BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 1 - The Beginning

Together again!

The party arrives at the perch per the letter's instructions. After a few awkward reunions, catchups and bits involving a pipe, they are greeted by the door guard Hoot and beckoned into the perch. They meet various workers of the pub until Yasha and Ray joins them. Bazanov offers everyone beef, and after the meal the party heads downstairs to discuss business. Ray tells the party he would like help becoming human again, and their first port of call is the nearby city of Cliffe to see the court wizard Brynist. Before the party leaves, Daggers returns from Cliffe and tells Yasha that the Criminal Overlord Myrtle would like to see them. On the way to Cliffe they meet to adventurers: Cristobel and Doremi. They finish taking down a group of orcs and then ask the party for some assistance in retrieving Cristobel's lucky ring from The Peaks Casino in Cliffe, with the potential loot the could steal offered as compensation. The party accepts and they travel to Cliffe, meeting the pair of adventurers later. Arriving at Cliffe, they visit Myrtle at The Dashed Pebble, where Yasha receives a hero's welcome for killing a man named Terry. In The Bloodied Nose a mysterious stranger bumps into Yasha and gives him some sass before leaving. Myrtle asks the party to take care of two former colleagues in Thunderreach in whatever way the party sees fit, after they cut ties with her. The party agrees and sets of to The Peaks to meet Cristobel and Doremi. They are briefed on the task and head inside to see the wizard, and hustle the occupants.


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