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Episode 14 - Temple Escape

Battle in the deep!

The party's first order of business was to make their way through this first corridor, now teeming with blades and saws. Whilst still acclimating to their new bodies, the group was able to smash enough of the blades to render the corridor relatively safe for traversal. Upon rounding the corner and reaching the second half of the corrider, they found large pillars hammering the floor, crushing everything beneath them. Yasha in Click's body used the flying broom to evade the pillars and scout ahead seeing the end in sight, but missing the final magical obstacle. Gimick in Yasha's body was able to use the cloak of the Mountebank to dimension door themselves and another member to the exit, while Yasha (as click) flew everyone else through the danger. Though they did not see the final fear rune trap before it was too late, everyone was able to resist it's magics and arrive safely.   Seeing the green threshold of the magic of the enchanted adamantite, the group passed through and were all reverted to their original bodies. The elation of their triumph was short-lived however, as their escape was blocked by 2 Umber Hulks that tunneled in through the floor, alerted by the commotion. In a fierce battle, the party wrestled with fighting these creatures and also activating the portal controls on the left and right platforms to get back to the lake. While the gang was able to handle themselves, a wayward explosive arrow from Click damaged one of the columns supporting the room, adding a new sense of urgency to the situation. The Umber Hulks were slain and the portal was activated in the nick of time, as the party jumped through the portal as the room began to collapse. Thankfully they were deposited at the small island at the centre of the lake.   Using their various powers of flight, everyone flew across the lake to return to Geremund at the college. Geremund pledged his services (though the party remained suspicious of him), and was ready to head to The Perch with an escort.


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