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Episode 4 - The Road to Dawnbreach


The party begins their 8 hour journey to Dawnbreach, taking shifts to take watch and drive the carriage. Yasha and Gimmick (with ray) take the first watch. They have conversations trying to get to know each other a little better, figure out each other's motivations, and generally be a bit more up front and open with how they feel about each other. They end up having a little more respect for each other. Yasha opts to stow away Ray near the driver's seat to listen in on Click and Fangalf's upcoming conversations. After the 2 hour shift, Click and Fangalf take the next watch, having a fairly awkward conversation about how they feel about each other. Click believes that Fangalf doesn’t like them, and inquires about how Fangalf is dealing with everything. They also come to a bit more of an understanding, and realise that they may be more similar than they think, given their current situations regard their homes.   After their conversation Fangalf had a nap, leaving Click to drive alone for a while. After a time, a wandering warrior appears in the road, challenging the party and asking for death. The party engages him in combat (with Esmerelda still asleep in the carriage) and eventually bring him to his knees. Gimmick attempts to decieve the half-orc warrior, probing his mind and finding that he fought the dragonborn group The Foo Fighters. Yasha is displeased with this, and slits the warrior's throat as promised, leading to frosty tensions with Gimmick.   Upon arrival in Dawnbreach, the party finds that they are unable to enter the full realm of Midnight's Crown without proper paperwork. The party splits up for leads, meeting the mystery rogue woman from Cliffe, and stealing her papers. The paper is unique to the region, but Fangalf believes that Bo'Derek may be able to help them acquire some in Thunderreach. Gimmick begins the application process under an alias, Yasha arranges a meeting with mystery woman, and Click receives a letter from Shaliena regarding Fangalfs armour. Yasha also finds out about a mages college in Midnights Crown that may be a good lead to start looking for Geremund.   While the party takes a break from searching, Yasha heads back to the mountain entrance and confronts the mystery woman, whom he discovers is the sister of Terry, the man he slew in Cliffe. As she leaves, Yasha fires off an arrow and attempts to kill her, however she runs off and steals a horse to make her escape.


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