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Episode 5 - Clash At Artemoor's Shrine

In service of the Goddess

Yasha rejoins the party and they begin to set off for Thunderreach to find Bo'derek, and to complete Myrtle's task. Fangalf took a brief stop in Westhelm to send a letter to Bo'Derek ahead of time. Upon reaching a set of crossroads near the Tumblemoors, Esmerelda feels a tingle in her Artemoor tattoo. She sets off into the woods to follow the feeling with the rest of the party in tow (Yasha stays behind to guard the carriage). After searching for around 30 minutes, the party finds a clearing with a cave mouth and a group of Knights of Sha. Gimmick disguises himself as an operative and makes acquaintances with the group, finding out that they have been tasked by the twins to observe, capture and possibly kill one of the Grimm messengers. Gimmick leaves with the Knights none the wiser, and then returns to them shortly afterwards with Fangalf, this time disguised as one of the Grimms. The second attempt to deceive them fails and a fight breaks out. After a drawn out battle, the camp leader retreats inside the cave and the group follows.   The cave turns out to be a shrine to Artemoor, who thanks the group for clearing it for her. The party interrogates the camp leader, getting a clearer view of the Twins and finding out that they are headed to Midnight's Crown to look for Geremund also. They execute him and Artemoor brands Blackbeard, allowing Esmerelda to understand him. Artemoor offers the cave as respite for the rest of the group, where they spend the night and awaken feeling refreshed by her blessing.


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