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Episode 8 - Reflections Of A 'Hero'

Let's take a walk

Back in Barnside, Yasha is about to leave when he and Click are surrounded by a crowd and guards asking what happened. Yasha explained in a low key fashion and gave his name as 'The Crow'. The crowd and guards hailed him as a hero, offering to help deal with the remains of the Chimera. At this point Axes showed up, offering to help move the creature and harvest the useful parts for them (as well as offering some information on a weapon that could be constructed with it). Yasha and Click accepted Axes help, then asked for directions for some discreet medical attention. Axes knew of a temple in the residential district that could help them, so the pair set off avoiding the crowd as much as possible.   On the way to the temple, they bumped into a very injured and burned Blackbeard. Click was able to commune with him through magic, updating the pair on the other group's fight, and then accompanied them to the temple. Upon reaching the modest temple, they received discreet aid from the monks, who nursed Yasha and Blackbeard back to health. During the travel and whilst in the temple, Click and Yasha had a good talk about what they want, about the Collector, and about their independence and agency. Click began to realise they may need to think for themselves, and Yasha believed he needed to not be trapped by what he thinks he should do or who he should be. Yasha removed his crow mask and left it at the temple, and reintroduced himself to Click for a fresh start. Blackbeard was sent on his way to find the others and bring them back to a bar (The Grounded Swan) nearby, while Click and Yasha visited Falg (whom click met on their travels) to requisition and upgrade their equipment. Once they were suited up and had ordered a new chimera-based weapon, they set off for the Grounded Swan to decompress and do some light gambling before meeting up with the others.


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