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The Boundless Skies

The playground of Mesher, God of the Skies, Sirocco is an open expanse dotted with floating island buffeted varying winds. Drifting clouds, swirling storms and weaving airstreams make up most of Sirocco, with the floating islands serving as home to those who live here. Air currents serve as highways that are used to travel throughout the plane, although there is a constant danger of being flung off course by fickle, changing winds, or larger weather systems like hurricanes and tornados.  

Points of Interest


Spire Stratos

The floating capital of Sirocco, home to Mesher, God of the Skies. This massive spire is a huge vertical city, covered in landing bays for easy access.  

Labyrinthian Winds

The network of air streams and currents that make up the bulk of Sirocco. Ranging from stiff breezes to howling gales, it is a tricky network to navigate, but one that every Siroccan must learn.  

The Velvet Straits

The densest collection of islands in the expanse, named after the fairly gentle air currents that pass between them.  

Mistral Reach

A freezing area where Sirocco meets Frostfell, it is a perilous and seldom travelled area. One that few can survive for very long without special preparations.  

Ember Straits

A narrow inhospitable channel where Sirocco meets The Great Conflagration. It carries volcanic ash and dust, though the density pales in comparison to the Conflagration itself.
Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Air
Plane of Existence


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