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The seat of power in Halemarch

The Capital of the region (Halemarch) run by the Oligarch Baron Jude Prow. A fairly affluent walled city, with light grey/white walls surrounding it. It features two adjacent boroughs: Roving Meadows, a collection of farms to the east, and Barnside, a warehouse district to the west.  

The High Round

  The centre of the city, where city hall and other government buildings are located, all centered around a large grand manor for Baron Prow. In a ring surrounding that area are shops and stalls including: Potions (The Teal Tincture), General (Jib's Adventuring Emporium), Custom Blacksmith (Falg's), Books (Scrolls and Scribbles), The Wayward Wand (Curios run by Emvilio)  

The Open Quarter

  A hospitality district made up of bars, inns, and other amenities. This is where the bulk of the populus go to unwind, relax and generally enjoy themselves after a hard days work.  

The Gilded Quarter

  A richer district for the wealthier class of the city, featuring a casino, high end amenities and a stately home open to the public. The majority of the wealthier families also reside here, ensuring that they can distance themselve from the common rabble.  

Roving Meadows

  The easterly borough holds farmland and livestock. Mostly run by retirees and rural folk. A very relaxed atmosphere with not much cross pollination between the main city. They provide food for the city but also export to some of the surrounding settlements.  


  A borough made up of warehouses and wholesalers. This area is made up of more hardy folk and a lot of the criminal element of Thunderreach. Formerly a residential/farming borough, it was sabotaged and burnt down during the midnight wars. The earth was rendered unusable, so the land was repurposed as warehouses. Those too poor to sustain life in Thunderreach proper ended up staying to work, hence the criminal presence. The earth has now been churned up by heavy cart traffic.
Thunderreach Base Map Image


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