
"We are unchained, unbroken, and no longer underfoot!"

The Drachenztel, as they call themselves in their native tongue, have humble origins and aren't quick to forget it. Whether or not their opponents can remember this fact when electrically charged spears pass through their chests wielded by small reptilian humanoids mounted atop of a robotic creation strikingly similar to natural fauna that had already torn out one of their ally's throats is yet to actually be tested. They are the Kobolds, and they are not to be underestimated anymore.    
Physical Description

To describe a Kobold is much like trying to describe a lizard. Everyone knows what a lizard is but based on the species it can be vastly different and as such, Kobolds themselves vary quite wildly but have some defining traits. Kobolds are small, bipedal reptilian humanoids standing at about 3 feet with the tallest Kobold ever recorded reaching a staggering (for a Kobold) 4 feet. They're also generally thin and agile.   Kobolds come in many colors and color often denotes which tribe a particular Kobold hails from. The most common colors are white, black, blue, red, and green though for years now the race has been allowed to (and has been willing to) mingle originally warring tribes together for the purpose of a more peaceful whole. Thus, new colors and shades have been appearing.   Kobold clothing is often simple and practical, often relying on scales to help them keep most of their modesty unless they are using the clothing for some other purpose. As such, in Kobold settlements, you're likely to see a lot of tribal garb mixed with padded armors for those who venture out of the cities.    

Despite their reptilian nature they have oddly expressive faces, often showing most of their emotions through facial expression and body language in day to day interaction. Kobolds also have long, sweeping tails that have a penchant for betraying their stronger emotions unless they train themselves to control the urge to droop or swish their tail in times of stress. If a Kobold has a problem with one of his larger neighbors, however, they are likely to know about it. The little lizards are often brash and will not be ignored nor stepped on but they are also very forgiving once grievances are aired. Many a death threat between kin have ended with some of the most loyal friendships you can find in the world after both realize the problem and attempt to fix it.   Kobold tradition is often orally shared, though there are also the 'Geschtiere' or 'Lore Animals' that lumber across the lands that Kobolds inhabit. These are giant lumbering beasts made of metal, stone, and sometimes wood with ancient Drachenztel stories oftentimes lost to history etched into their carapace. It is considered the HIGHEST taboo to destroy one of these creatures, and those who are found out to have done so suffer the harshest possible punishments that the Kobold society can think.   Kobolds are small and frail, but they don't let that keep them down. With new technologies, especially invented by Kobold smiths in order to deal with the horrors of the world outside of their settlements, Kobolds are able to look past those frailties even if they would otherwise be their downfall. As such, you'll rarely see a Kobold who ventures regularly as an adventurer, guard, or even archaeologist without a form of prosthetic. Whether this is a mechanical arm whirring with clockwork gears, or a little ceramic tip to one's tail after getting a little too close to an owlbear hatchling, scale color and horn/feather arrangements aren't the only thing that make each Kobold unique.    
Alignment and Religion

Kobolds are spiritual and tend towards tradition but view freedom as a necessity of the Drachenztel race. As such they tend for either extreme of law or chaos depending on how they view freedom. The more lawful settlements still abhor slavery however, as that takes away the freedom of others. The more lawful Kobolds also tend to deal with Inevitables, extraplanar beings made of metal and clockwork. They tend towards animism but do have a particular god some worship as a racial deity known as "Beryl, Who Lit The Flame."    

Kobolds have a rather interesting naming scheme. While not intrinsically gendered, many Kobolds take their name as a way to help signify their particular gender expression. The more masculine presenting Kobolds tend to use the names of metals and certain minerals. Some examples of which are: Copper, Bronze, Gold or Carbon while female presenting Kobolds often use various gemstones as their namesake with some examples being: Pearl, Anglesite, Brookite, or Crystal. They also tend to have two forms of last names; one represents who they are as a singular being, and the other represents the tribe they were born in.   Carbon, He Who Wanders, is a traveling scholar to her friends and is known to have traveled amongst many nations to document ancient ruins and help document the travel pattern of various Geschtiere. To those outside of his friend group and community, he is known as Carbon of the Scalemist Tribe. He will tend to refer to herself as a tribe member to those he doesn't know, hoping that they might know who he is or knows somewhat of his tribe after he reveals his origins. To those he does know, he's much more trusting with his individual identity and might even take a new one if his friends come up with something he likes better and he thinks fits him better.  

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: Kobolds have strong constitutions, and are crafty to boot but their nature makes them unwise. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Strength.
Type: Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.
Size: Kobolds are Small and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 ft.
Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven. Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Elven.  

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Wary Tinker: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on a single Craft Skill, as well Perception, and Use Magic Device checks.  

Offense Racial Traits

Pointy End into the Thing: Kobolds treat any weapon with the word "Spear" in it's name as a Simple Weapon as they are trained from a young age to defend themselves against larger creatures who may wish to snack on them.
Underfoot No Longer: Kobolds gain +1 to their AC, and attack rolls against creatures larger than them.  

Senses Racial Traits

Darkvision: Kobolds can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Pictured Below: Tanzanite of Cobalt Veins