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Forges belching forth smoke and sparks as the ringing of hammers on iron rattle through shops and underground anvils--these are the sights and sounds of home for a Doqaltharl. Sometimes referred to as 'dark elves', they are a sister-race to the elves. While they may have at one point been related to them, their fey heritage has long since faded in exchange for a life surrounded by iron and metal-work. It is for this very reason that some scholars would say that they no longer have a true connection to the feywilds, their many generations spent working with the antithesis of that place and its people having burned out any traces long ago.  

Soot-Smeared, Stout-Hearted

  The typical doqaltharl meets the moniker or 'dark elf' at a glance, having ebony or violet skin, long and pointed ears and hair colors that are more often pale or white. Their eyes do range in colors although the primary color for any doqaltharl's irises are red. The slender and slight form of the elves too is not present here, replaced with females that are statuesque in comparison to the usual female elf and males that have brawnier outlines.  

Bastions of Industry

The doqaltharl are at their best when surrounded by the tools of their trade; forges, workshops, kilns and all other means to craft and create the necessities of civilization. Their works may not always be aesthetically beautiful but no one can doubt the ability of a doqaltharl-made sword to stand the test of time nor the veracity with which one of their buildings will face down the centuries, regardless of its being made or wood or stone or even iron. Even is a doqaltharl does not take up a life as a craftsman of steel and swords, it is strange to find one that does not have some trade or business that allows them to create something with their hands such as tavern keepers who prepare foods or a weaver that sews clothes both simple or fine.  

Honest Work

The doqaltharl are marked by a curious reticence to use magic while crafting or creating. While any doqaltharl would agree that being able to produce fires to meld metals with a touch or using spells to lift heavy beams into place would make for easier and even safer work, it is affirmed in their communities that this not only produces lesser works but laziness. A doqaltharl mage is accepted but a mage who uses magic to produce a work is seen as slothful, one of the greatest sins that any of their race could be accused of indulging.
Doqaltharl Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  Age. Doqalthar mature at the same rate as elves, and typically claims adulthood around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.
  Size. Doqalthar stand around 5 to 6 feet tall and average about 175 pounds, having builds that are identical to humans in general outline. Your size is Medium.
  Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  Darkvision. Although your people have become distanced from their elvish heritage, you have not completely lost your ability to see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  Fires of Industry. You gain resistance to fire damage.
  Ceaseless Toil. The first time you gain a level of exhaustion, you may choose to ignore it instead. You may use this ability only once every 24 hours. In addition, when you take a long rest, you regain an additional hit die.

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