Efrosin Dahzbog Character in Vaale | World Anvil
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Efrosin Dahzbog

Efrosin Oblapit Dahzbog (a.k.a. Garrote)

"Man was born the eldest of five quintuplets--all of them savants with magic--and he's the one that got missed. Hell, magic disappears around him, man!" - Piper the Squid (Talking about Efrosin)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Efrosin has honed his body into the perfect balance of function and form, pushing his masculinity to be as lethal as it is appealing. He has complete control over his body, and every step, flex and gesture displays that control.

Special abilities

Efrosin has the queer quality of negating any magic around him, regardless of its potency or source. There has never been an explanation for why this is the case, and it has been chalked up to a simple fluke or existence.
  • Arcane magic is totally void on or near him--magic devised by by anyone outside of certain Beneficiari simply will not work.
  • Divine energies can effect him, though with a reduced potency.
  • Healing magics also have no effect, nor do protective enchantments
  • Alchemical mixtures have mixed effects but tend to be impotent or have a reduced effect

Apparel & Accessories

Efrosin always dresses well and in clothes that benefit the viewer. He chooses a wardrobe based on how much it accentuates his own body and features, including gloves and cologne.

Mental characteristics


Efrosin holds sex to be a tool; whether it be to accomplish a task or for his own pleasure. When seeking companionship for his own self and needs, he tends to seek out males, but on the whole can and will use sex with anyone of any gender if it means achieving his ends.


Growing up in rural Grausland meant that his education was limited. While his parents did their best to provide and education for all their children, raising five boys who were all the same age meant the struggle to do so was ever-present. Efrosin learned to read and write alongside his siblings, but seemed to excel at it, teaching himself to read Erlknis--a second language--by the time he was ten.


Gainful employment has never been the choice of Efrosin, although he would say that he is an entrepeneur. Starting life as a simple farmhand on his father's farm, he would then move on to small time crimes of smuggling along roads into killing for pay. He has operated a few small businesses when it suited him, the longest running one being a bistro and cafe in Carnby.

Mental Trauma

Living what equated to the life of a serf alongside the rest of his family, Efrosin experienced the brutality of peasant life; watching as neighbors' farms were burned for being too close to the lord's property, or his own father being flogged for arriving late for his appointed hour of work at the lord's estate.   This taught him the valuable lesson of power--being in power, holding strength over others--means they cannot do to you before you do to them. Born without magic, he knew the only way to achieve that would be to train and grow himself and weaken others, relying, ultimately, on himself alone if he wanted to maintain his position on the food chain.

Intellectual Characteristics

Efrosin is a pragmatic man; as he is quoted saying often, he became an assassin because he simply was good at it. He was 'made' for it. He views the world and people as either a source of his own personal pleasure and advancement or as a hinderance to that. He also is a fairly whimsical man, following in the moment what makes him feel good-- 'I want to put my feet up, so I will' or 'I want a smoke now, so I shall' regardless of whether society or situation normally would permit it.


He will never take on assasinations he doesn't want to do, nor will he kill kids. When considering his targets and how much is being offered for their elimination, he will also consider the person in particular--are they 'decent' people. If so, he will always offer the target a chance to push back their position on his 'list' via through funds or favors.   Those that he doesn't like or finds distasteful, he won't offer such niceities.

Personality Characteristics


Efrosin's greatest desire is to enjoy himself. He lives largely for the satisfaction of his id, with only the occasional dabblings in a 'greater cause' when it suits him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Efrosin is a hedonist at heart, existing for the pleasure of himself. He makes no effort to go out of his way to help others unless there is something in it for himself. He has expensive tastes that require constant upkeep. His work ethic is based entirely upon his own desire and so fluctuates regardless of others around him.

Personality Quirks

Efrosin has a habit of ending questions, especially rhetorical ones or ones that amuse him with a grunting 'hnn' sound. He often speaks as if he doesn't understand the language he is speaking too well as a means to disarms those he's speaking with.
32 Years Old
Dark blonde cropped short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
188 cm (6' 2")
105 kg (231 lbs.)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Why become an assassin? Why not? You do not ask the man good with numbers 'Why become an accountant'. He becomes because he is born to do it. Me--I am good at killing, so, I become killer!"
Known Languages
  • Eulmi,
  • Lyr'Da
  • Otsan
  • Ghahlgic
  • Doqaltharl


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