Zindova Yentris Character in Vacaria | World Anvil
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Zindova Yentris

Zindova Yentris (a.k.a. Zin)

Zindova Yentris is a Half-Elf. She's 40 years old, but doesn't look a day over 25 from a human's perspective. She is roughly 5'6" with a toned frame, with chocolate brown hair that falls in waves past her shoulders. To hide her Half-Elven heritage, Zindova keeps her pointed ears hidden beneath her mess of hair. She's not one to wear jewelry, other than a small silver ring with an intricate design on it that she wears on her right ring finger. The ring doesn't hold much value to her, other than it being the first item she stole when she started walking the path of shadows as a Rogue.   Zindova's mother was a Human, her father an Elf, raised by her mother until she was 10 in a small village. Upon hearing of the death of his former lover, Zindova's father took her in to live with him in one of the larger Elven establishments. Having been raised with Humans for her childhood, she felt as though she would never fit in with her new surroundings. Much like her childhood, she was ostracized by her peers in the new town, so she took to petty crimes and pickpocketing; lashing out to try and find her place in the world. Upon discovering Zindova's criminal activities, her father cast her out, and she's been making her way on her own ever since, looking for a place to belong.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a slim toned body type

Facial Features

She has a striking face with sculpted features.

Identifying Characteristics

Zin has pointed ears due to her Half-elven heritage. She hides this with her hair most of the time though.

Apparel & Accessories

Zindova wears a brown corset with red lacing with a white undershirt. Over this she wears crimson half jacket with ornate black stitching. She wears charcoal grey boots halfway up her calf with leather pants tucked into them. She completes the look with a red silk sash tied around her waist. The only jewelry she wears is a small silver ring that she stole when she began her journey as a rogue.

Mental characteristics


Zindova was educated by humans until the age of 10 when she was taken by her father to a large Elven establishment. There she was schooled with the other Elven youths until she was cast out by her father at the age of 20. After this, she wandered for a while until she was taken in by a rogue by the name of Kyleena. Kyleena taught her the ways of the rogue and guided her for a time in the life of shadows.


Zin is currently working with a group of adventurers, but takes work where she can find it and steals when she can’t find work.

Personality Characteristics


Zindova never felt as though she belonged - she was an outcast in the human world as a child and after living with the elves found herself ostracized once again. She is simply trying to find her place in this world...and a little extra coin wouldn't hurt either.
Chaotic Neutral
Chocolate Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
5' 6"
Known Languages
She knows Common, Elvish, and Infernal (taught to her by Kyleena while in her rogue training)

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