

The region of Atrary is divided into seven notable districts:

  • Foxtone Estate
  • Hopperd
  • Bridewater
  • Goodward Chateau
  • White Stag Alley
  • Boulderland Estate
  • Goldphrey Manor


Atrary is the wealthiest captial in Vaeruin.


Atrary is overseen by a form of democratic-style government called the Consortium of Atrary. This consortium constitutes of four representatives of the citizen body and are chosen every 10 years. Laws and decrees are passed by the current four as well as taxes and other governing businesses.


This government building is located in the district of Goodward Chateau.


Atrary is known for its incredible irrigation that comes from the mountains that surround it. These streams bring in crystal clear waters that feed areas such as Boulderland Estate, the world's most fruitful farmlands. Watermills are abundant along the river, powering the mills of the farms and the sewer systems of White Stag Alley. The rich capital brags miles of stone roads and beautiful estates that wind into neighborhoods.


Housing began in the year 200 OV, with the largest being the neighborhood of Goldphrey Manors. Before these manors were built the watermill houses in Bridewater.


  • Capital Atrary
Founding Date
200 OV
Alternative Name(s)
Capital Atrary
75,000 +/-
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization