
I was born from a union of my father and true love. I was gifted with the power of divination, and yet, so many secrets of my power was held from me. Pledge your loyalty to me and you shall receive boons.

Those who chose Ialdir as their goddess in the "Settling Out" have been blessed by a maternal and nurturing diety.


Serious followers of Ialdir are also called Vǫlra, a name given to represent the influence the goddess has over fate. These followers use incantation such as the art of singing or chanting for the purposes of changing or influencing an outcome. A Vǫlra would combine various forms of vocalization, including chanting, singing, and screaming or yelling, with carefully chosen words that often rhymes or forms what we think of as specifically metered stanzas.

Divine Domains

Paragon of beauty, love, fertility and fate.



Ialdir blesses her followers with physical beauty, altering their physical appearances to be traditionally in-line with cultural beauty standards. For example, Aven followers of Ialdir might suddenly be blessed with rare, shimmering plumage while a human might find their bodies modified to accentuate sexual features.



As the Holy Code of Vǫlra accounts, Ialdir was a result of love's consumation. The goddess rewards expressions of romance, love, and passion. However, any intense and seemingly out-of-control feeling (including deep platonic loyalty or insufferable drive for vengeance) seem to be rewarded just as well.  


Though the goddess does not have children of her own, according to the Holy Code, Ialdir is "in the cries of every laboring mother". Childbirth and the pain that comes with it are often spoken by the goddess as being worthy or esteemed. These blessings are also extended to any parental figures as Ialdir believes that childraising in any capacity involves similar pain.



Ialdir is said to have divine knowledge of destiny and fate. Followers are encouraged to seek her out for direction and decision-making.

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Code of The Vǫlra:

The most zealous and eager followers of Ialdir are given personal visits by the goddess and the Holy Code of Vǫlra is being written. This "code" seems to be a mixture of expectations, revelations of the gods' personality, and subjective interpretations of historical events.

  Chapter 17:
“He started to estrange her...
And they became strangers
Who knew each other's heart,
So broken as they drifted apart.”

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jewelry, herbs, horses, wagons, and other physical symbols of cultural wealth and sophistication.


Breasts, penises, vulvas, plumes, thick neck fur of bearkin and other physical symbols of cultural sexual appeal and fertility.

  Sigil: Rings of Fate - Interconnected rings of three.
Circumstances that connect people. We combine different elements - parts of us - to create something new


Ialdir chooses to reveal herself as a human (or halfie) as she finds their form curious and common, if not aggressively so. It may often be an homage to her father, who prefered to be in humanoid form. She often has six eyes that may or may not be hidden by a golden silk robe. She chooses not to wear clothes that cover her genitalia or breasts, but adorns herself in feathers, pelts, or ivories like the other inhabitants of the world.
Divine Classification
Lesser Diety