Meeting the Child Gods

When the dust settles...

Every single being, upon waking the next morning, has found themselves in a wide field. This is not Vaeruin; it feels different. Like a dream.


Over a million beings baffled stand in the open field. In the sky are four giants. The Child Gods.


Olris & Ydbris

Two beings with six arms hold enormous, intricately decorated spheres. One appears to be feminine, the other masculine. They are cloaked in robes.  


One being is crowned, her many eyes reflecting bright, warm light. In her hands she holds stars. Her skin is dark and exposed, speckled with gold. Her figure is curvy and her large breasts are adorned with gold chains.  


The final being is hollow. From chest to pelvis is a vast, hollow void of white and dark, swirling smoke. The being's collarbones, face, arms, and legs are smoky black and fractured. It's eyes are hollow, reflecting the white void. Looking into the void fills you with dread; a singular sphere can be seen within this void, spinning within black rings.  

They introduce themselves as the children of Olvdir, The God of Endings. Their voices are layered and in near sync with one another. It fills your ears:

For so many years we waited patiently for our father to allow us to be more than just fixations: tools of his in this little game of a world he plays in.
We may be young in comparison to our father, or other gods of old, but we are more than ready to begin.

The young gods float to the ground, separated from each other.

Unlike our aloof father, we wish to have followers and to interact in the lives of those in Vaeruin. But we must first see whom is loyal to whom.

Before you, even in the crowd of a million, walks up the lovely Ialdir. You know her name without her even uttering it. You know how she feels, how she tastes, and how she loves.

I am the paragon of beauty, love, fertility and fate. I was born from a union of my father and true love. I was gifted with the power of divination, and yet, so many secrets of my power held from me. Pledge your loyalty to me and you shall receive boons.

Next is the six-armed masculine twin, Olris, who appears. His cloak is made of darkness and autumn. He is muscular and well-endowed, and his breath brings the cold chill of winter.

I am the paragon, the embodiment, of the restorative seasons Of winter and autumn. Of sleep and fire. The celestial body that controls the tides and currents. I am the oldest twin, and a child of my father's first union. I was gifted with the power of knowledge, restorative destruction, and the low tides. Pledge your loyalty to me and you shall receive boons.

Ydbris appears next. Her cloak is made of sunlight and summer. She is lean but full-figured, and her voice brings the sound of rushing tides.

I am the paragon, the embodiment, of the newness of summer and spring. Of life and wind. I am also a celestial body that controls the tides and currents. I am the youngest twin of my father's first union. I was gifted with the power of cunning, knowledge, agriculture, and the high tides. Pledge your loyalty to me and you shall receive boons.

Lastly, Aborh makes themself known. Their hollow chest heaves with white nothingness. Wirey and starved are their arms and features. Their voice fills you with dread and despair; an ending not so far off.

I am the paragon of death, of questions, and crossroads. I am the unwated result of my father's most recent union. I was gifted with the power of wisdom, foresight, and palliative medicine. Pledge your loyalty to me and you shall receive boons.

The voices intertwine once again

Choose carefully and all must choose. To not choose is still a choice.
Plot type
Scene: Choosing Your Child God