Olris, the Worthy

To those in need of direction and security in these times:


Olris, the child god, came to me as he came to everyone on that day we were whisked into a pocket unknown. He spoke words of promise to each of us and I felt a sense of hope as well as healthy nervousness. Who are these children of the God that created the world we live in? What are their intentions - their deeper whims - of communing with small beings as us?


It was not until that night that I recognized the opportunity that this changing of leadership could create for my people of Ofrary.


Olris came to me in a vision, his body set ablaze. He knew me from the crowd but also said he knew me from my "curious works" as a Governor. It seems that he is learning what creatures like us do with our short lives. After exchanging information, he offered me a proposition. Smoke billowed up from his body like a furnace, threatening to smother me. But I could breathe easy in his presence:


"No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid. Once it is built, it cannot be undone. Now, if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— each one's work will become manifest. Their works are set for the Day which will disclose it. It will be disclosed because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss.


Your work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work."


He offered me, in return for loyalty to him, a protected 'foundation' of Ofrary. He has provided financial means for every need of myself and of those who pledge themselves in Ofrary. His service is not difficult, though reasonings are beyond my own comprehension.


I invite you to join the worthy and profitable Olris, the worthy and profitable Ofrary, and the worthy and profitable Múspell.


It is not too late to lay your own foundation, but as he spoke, the "Day" will come that it will be.

  Be protected by fire and be refined,   Petrus The Green, Governor of Ofrary