
There are many different types of fey or fairy, the main groups that they are apart of is those that live in the Feywild. The Seelie fey known as being part of the summer court; Unseelie fey known as being part of the winter court and the Iron fey who are part of the Iron court. The head of these courts are Sidhe which are the faery nobility, and they resemble mortals, except for pointed ears and larger eyes. Sidhe can use Glamour to change their appearance where as the lower level fey don't have this innate ability. The Sidhe are more commonly known as Archfey.   There are other types of fey: Fey who are connected with specific natural locations like the dryads who are tree fey, nymphs who are coves and river fey, hamadryads protectors of the forest; nereids who are sea and ocean fey; Oread who are mountain fey and Fossergrim who are waterfall fey.   There are fey that are connected to the Feywild its self like redcaps that are bloodthirsty fey; meenlocks that telepathically torture you and boggles otherwise known as bogeymen are tricksters.   Another two groups are the Hags and the Sprites that have a lot of different fey under the groups for more information go to https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Fey#Species_of_Fey there is a big list of different fey on this page.   The iron fey are slightly different due to them being the very thing that hurts regular fey but all those that I have mentioned and those on the wiki page all have iron variants that live within the iron lands.   There is also the Wild Hunt which is a faction of faeries unaffiliated with neither the Seelie nor the Unseelie Court. They are a group of huntsmen comprised of both faeries and the dead. They are led by Gwyn ap Nudd who was said to have been put in charge by Dristia, Goddess of the Hunt. They can be spotted on battle fields collecting the dead if they are worthy or hunting prey that may not just be animals. They are known by many names, including Gatherers of the Dead, the Raging Host, the Wild Host, and Dristia's Hounds.
They tend to life forever unless killed by iron or go to long without contacted with the Feywild.
Average Height
It ranges from Tiny to Huge depending on the fey.
Average Weight
Depends on the size of fey.
Geographic Distribution


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