
The Sorcerer of (party name).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in nation that despises magic. Despite parents' low social standing, they were firm believers in their country's ideals. When parents discovered their son was "afflicted" with magical abilities, they convinced him to turn himself in to the kingdom's Mageseekers. Noting the boy’s curious ability to sense magic, they used him to identify other mages living among the citizenry. For the first time in his life he felt he had a future, a life in service to his country, and he performed these duties faithfully. He was proud, but lonely- forbidden from associating with anyone but his handlers. Through his work, he began to notice that magic was far more prevalent than the nation cared to admit. He could sense glimmers of hidden power even among the wealthy and prominent… some of whom were the most outspoken decriers of mages. But while the poor were punished for their afflictions, the elite seemed above the law, and this hypocrisy planted seeds of doubt in his mind. Those doubts finally bloomed in one deadly, fateful event, when he and his handlers encountered a mage living in hiding in the countryside. After discovering it was only a young girl, he took pity on her. When he tried to shield the child from the Mageseekers, he accidentally brushed against her skin. The girl’s magic rushed through his body- but rather than killing him, it shot forth from his hands in raw, uncontrolled bursts. It was a talent he did not know he possessed, and it resulted in the deaths of three people, including his Mageseeker mentor and the girl. Knowing he would be called a murderer, he went on the run, and quickly gained notoriety as a dangerous mage in the nation. Stowed away on a ship to get to Tirra from Rul.

Gender Identity



Unemployed now, was an magic seeker.
Date of Birth
63 Pipwith, 973 ET
Year of Birth
973 ET 20 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'8 ft
144 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon


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