

The Druid of (party name).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since she was a young girl and learnt the druidic arts from Sirriv and Citrin, druids who she came across in the insert forest name many years ago. They thought her the ways of insert god name and to appreciate all in nature and to preserve life at every opportunity. Since then she has wandered Tirra following the calls of those in need and guided by her Goddess.    For many years she went from town to town healing and protecting people who need it. Until she came across insert town name here there was a sickness festering in the town that nobody knew the source of. She was able to start curing people. The sickness was caused by someone who wanted to sell the cure but Nieras kindness ruined their plans. They framed here as the person that created the sickness and blamed a series of outbreaks of this sickness all over Tirra on her. Since then she has been on the run from law enforcement on Tirra as she is now wanted dead or alive. She tried to hide for a year but she couldn't bear not helping people so she cashed in a favour to get a cap of disguise so she could continue her work without getting caught.

Gender Identity

She / Her (Female)



Failures & Embarrassments

Having the sickness blamed on her.


Family Ties

Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Knidep 51st, 970 ET
Year of Birth
970 ET 23 Years old
Lime Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Elvish, Quori


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