Starting Stats
You have 5 stats to prioritize when you create your character: Knowledge, Wit, Might, Agility, and Fortitude. In turn, these stats determine and/or influence other stats like Health and Defense.
Each stat begins at 0 and maxes out at +5.
For Characters
To begin with, distribute 6 stat points amongst Knowledge, Wit, Might, Agility, and Fortitude. You cannot put more than 3 stat points into any stat during character creation.
For Companions
To begin with, distribute 6 stat points amongst Wit, Might, Agility, and Fortitude. You cannot put more than 3 stat points into any stat during character creation. Keep the stat ratio reasonable for your Companion's size class and physical build.
For both characters and Companions, you may choose to take a -1 in one stat to distribute 1 additional point to another stat. You still may not raise any stat higher than +3 during character creation.
Primary Stats
Knowledge. This encompasses the facts you know, the skills you've mastered, and the information you can readily recall. (
Companions do not have this stat.)
Wit. This references your ability to problem-solve, think quickly, and use ingenuity.
Might. This is your physical strength and athleticism.
Agility. This is your physical flexibility, dexterity, and deftness.
Fortitude. This encompasses your physical constitution, endurance, and overall "toughness."
Combat Stats
Maximum Harm = 4 + Fortitude. This number is equal to the amount of total Harm you can be dealt before being incapacitated and risking death.
Maximum Companion Harm is determined by their size class as shown in Companion Traits.
Maximum Stress = 2 + Fortitude. This number is equal to the total amount of Stress you can take before falling unconscious and risking Harm.
Movement speed. This is how quickly you can move during a round of combat and is determined by your
Physical Traits.
Martial Die: 1d2. This determines how much harm you inflict with a familiar weapon; it will increase to 1d4, 1d6, and possibly 1d8 over time, but it begins as a 1d2.
Companion claws, horns, teeth, etc are considered "familiar weapons" for the purposes of using their Martial Die.
Accuracy: 1 + half your level (rounded down). This is a bonus you can add to your attack roll if you're using a familiar weapon in the attack.
Companion claws, horns, teeth, etc are considered "familiar weapons" for the purposes of adding their Accuracy bonus to attack rolls.
Defense: 5 + Armor + Shield + Agility + cover. This is a cumulative number that includes the Defense bonus from any armor you're wearing, any shield you're actively using, and your Agility stat. Additionally, you can add +1 to your Defense if you're behind half-cover or +2 if you're behind 3/4 cover.
Companion Defense is 5 + Armor + Fortitude + Agility + cover. A Companion can be given armor to wear but cannot bear a shield.