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The Dissenters

Deity Alignment Province Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Amara CG Luck, fate, love, usurping order, halflings Life, Trickery Coin with a hole in the center, one side golden and the other side bronze
Arkael CN Freedom and free will, choice, mortality, hope, humans Grave, Life, Light Single flame atop a pointed finger
Jethoth CN Language, storytelling, public opinion, politics Knowledge, Trickery Rolled up scroll
Oghma TN Knowledge, endurance, time Arcana, Knowledge Pyramid with an open eye in the top
She Who Is Death LN Death, mortal cycle, logic Death, Grave Raven's head in profile with ivy in its beak

Amara, the Fated One

  Those that chase the wind. those who fly by the seat of their pants, those who love recklessly and live simply; these are the true followers of Amara. Amara is the god of luck and fate and as such is least understood by Her followers and the other deities. In truth, many gods believe Her to be the most dangerous among them. There are two reasons for this: one is that She is the most unpredictable out of all of Them, and the other is that She has outwitted and outmatched the schemes of the Lord of the Nine Hells time and time again. Her loyalties are not to anyone but Herself, for though She shapes and bends the fates of many She claims to only be a vehicle through which the true will of the universe speaks. This is a maxim that She repeats when recounting Her construction of the halfling race. Amara had compassion on the small and quiet people and She swore to always have them land on the good side of fate.   Many regard Amara as the god of love and compassion but know not expressly why. Amara believes that, in essence, love is a function of fate. There are tales that tell of lover's trysts and how fate brought them together despite the world that tried to keep them apart. Luck, however, does not hold love so tightly and therefore this is why there are lovers that experience the worst of times together because luck does not dwell well within them.   Amara regularly flits about the planes as the forces of fate take Her, never dwelling in one place for too long. A place she does frequent, however, is the Highest of Halls in Celestia. As a place where ultimate judgement is concerned, Amara feels drawn to it, both out of curiosity and duty. Though She does not often interfere with the proceedings, when She does she is left to do so uninhibited. The Lawbright elect to let Her change things as She wills, choosing to see her meddlings as a unbiased third party with objective justice in mind rather She does hold a unique position in the Plane of Air as She is tasked as an overseer to insure the elemental locus is guarded and untainted.  

Arkael, Wielder of the First Flame

  During the creation of the world, Arkael saw the immortal state in which the giants and proto-elves existed as an abomination and perversion of the purpose of creation. That which has a beginning only has meaning if it has an end, and thereby Arkael began sculpting humans out of the raw earth. After the years of the Sundering War finished the state of perpetual immortality that resided over Arys, Arkael created the humans, charging them to go out and mold the world to their desires with the gift of mortality and drive in their hearts.   In the present time of Arys, Arkael guards the Everflame at the center of the Plane of Fire. The only known being in existence who can harness and withstand the destructive force, Arkael maintains his vigil through mysterious means. He is not always present in the Plane of Fire for He often spends time among the beastlands of Arcadia, a world fueled by pure instinct and resolve that He connects with deeply.   The few mortals that follow Arkael do so despite His explicit desires to the contrary. Arkael champions the freedom of choice and free will and desires that mortals devote themselves to ideologies that transform their hearts. He relinquishes, however, that the few that do call themselves followers of the First Flame do so out of their own free will - that virtue which He holds most high, and therefore cannot deny. Agents of the First Flame are instigators against corruption and tyranny in many forms and often work in the shadows to bring the fall of those deemed as infringing on the free will of others.  

Jethoth, the Allscribe

  Bards and storytellers of all kinds pay homage to Jethoth to bless and embolden the words they may speak. As the greatest of storytellers, Jethoth tells the stories of the universe and emboldens those who seek to employ their gifts to inspire and communicate. Though the Knowing Mistress might catalogue and retell tales for posterity's sake, Jethoth seeks to bring stories alive. To move and to inspire change is Their modus opperandi. This desire places Jethoth over a plethora of different walks of mortal life, from oration and politics to culture and language. Many bards as well as politicians often make prayers before an important performance, asking for guidance and the open ears of the audience.   Jethoth's most important job in the celestial arena lies in the creation and facilitation of all language. It was Jethoth who first intuited the language of creation, the tesserae, so that the gods may conjure life out of the universe. Jethoth also imparted the words of the first arcane magics (thaumarae), the first natural magics (physirae), and the first divine magics (uranorae) to the first children of the gods. In addition to conceiving all known and unknown languages, Jethoth transcribes and orates the messages of the gods and often delivers them personally. This practice makes Them an expert in the natures and personalities of each god and often provides information of this sort to those fortuitous enough to find Them. Jethoth flits among the planes as part of this calling, so locating Them tells all They need to know about the worthiness of the imploring party.  

Oghma, the Knowing Mistress

  Of Her many attributes, Oghma's impartiality is Her most striking. She refused to take sides in the Sundering War, sparking the creation of the Dissenters in the first place. She believes that the knowledge She collects - to both impart to the world and to keep safe from those who seek to destroy it - is impartial and unbiased at its core and therefore She should be unbiased in all manners pertaining to it. While not the express leader of the Dissenting Host, Oghma is often looked to by the other Dissenters when pertaining to knowledge of the world that is outside their general natures and purviews. She also acts as the host's compass for getting involved in particular cosmic matters. If it is pressing enough that the Knowing Mistress leaves Her subterranean halls, They know it is an important matter indeed.   Oghma's worshippers act as sages of the world's esoterica, cataloging lore, practices and entire cultures to be preserved in the Great Athenaeums. They value the preservation of all knowledge, illuminating and provoking, to facilitate the education of all. Whether knowledge is to be learned of or learned from is determined on a case-by-case basis and has often resulted in the general public's questioning of the faith's (and therefore Oghma's) true intentions.   Oghma has nearly always appeared as a female figure of varying age, often with flowing blue hair from which She draws numerous artifacts and scrolls. Concrete suppositories of Her knowledge can be found across the planes, hidden from all save the few deemed worthy to enter. The most renown are the Great Athenaeums that lie at the bottom of the Plane of Water, whose spaces were carved out and are now guarded by the goddess Sabara Herself. While she stands perfectly neutral on many stances, Oghma stands defiantly against Dahlia and directly opposes His machinations at every instance She can. His hoarding of dark secrets and decrepit knowledge marks Him as Her unequivocal enemy and the two share a vehement hatred for each other that spans the existence of time.  

She Who Is Death, the Unnamed

  A shroud of mysteries surrounds every aspect of the Unnamed. Known simply as the She Who Is Death or the Unnamed - lest any other name upset the god of death -, She Who Is Death holds a unique place within the pantheon of Arys. She Who Is Death presides over death and the natural transition from life to death of all creatures, making She Who Is Death the most interfaced with god between the hosts. It is quite the story then, that one who was not a god in the first place came to be the most sought after and universally feared in all the pantheon. This story has either been lost or scrubbed from the annals of history however, leaving only passing conspiracies and working theories. Most of the more plausible ones suggest that whomever She Who Is Death was at one point was someone who was uniquely accustomed to death and the finality of life. This familiarity allowed them to step into the place of an immortal being that presided over a uniquely mortal feature.   She Who Is Death resides deep within the Expanse of Horrors in the blackened fortress of Smaugen Esta. She Who Is Death has few followers that dwell on the material plane but there are more that dwell within the expanse. The shaddar-kai keep a solemn watch over the sacred places and greatest treasures that the plane holds, beating back the conjured horrors with the cold, mournful determination of their patron. She Who Is Death regularly interfaces with Selenaran, as Selena inadvertently created the plane eons ago. The two share custody of each other's expanses, giving rise to the theory that the two were once sisters. This theory is held as heresy by the clerics of the Unnamed and is quick to draw violent judgement if not retracted immediately.

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