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The Lawbright

Deity Alignment Province Suggested Domains Common symbol
Ahin LG Creation, civilization, elemental earth, dwarves Forge, Light, Order, War Anvil and hammer
Lilith CG Change, growth, elemental air, gnomes Nature, Trickery Profile of a woman with wind-tossed hair, often with leaves stuck in it
Sabara CN Seas and storms, natural disasters, elemental water, tritons Nature, Tempest Wave crossed by two lightning bolts
Selena NG Sun, natural life, health, elves Life, Light, Nature Sun with a dozen spokes
Tamor LN Conflict and competition, war, unbiased justice Tempest, War Portrait of a humanoid man's face blindfolded and holding a hammer aloft in front
Valorin LG Nobility, virtuous life, law, metallic dragons Life, Light, Order, War Profile of a platinum dragon's head and neck

Ahin, the World Shaper

  The stoic and steadfast god of the dwarves, Ahin acts as the head of the Lawbright and is the moving voice by which their edicts are sent. Ahin was the one who shaped the beginning of Arys from the elemental chaos and constrained the almighty elements to their planes through pure strength and force of will. Legend has it that he created the first dwarf by smiting an earth primordial with one stroke of his mighty hammer into thousands of pieces, from which came the first being in His likeness born from the strength of will of that blow.   Ahin is said to be a jealous and dangerous god but honorable and just all the same. He represents the dwarven values of justice, honor, order and utter blind bravery, never backing down from a single challenge across all of history. His relationship to the other gods has mellowed over the centuries, while being of one mind with them His nature is too different for some to abide by for an extended amount of time. He most frequently consorts with Valorin, whom He considers his equal in most respects, and with Tamor, with whom he frequently engages in violent bouts of sport in the stormy skies above Arys. When there is a particularly strong storm above the lands, many Arysians will comment that the divine contest is especially heated at the moment.  

Lilith, the Voice of the Wind

  Capricious and ever-changing, the machinations of Lilith and their full breadth are unknown even to most of the gods. As the god of ever-present change and growth, Lilith found a kinship with the primordial winds that sprung from the tesserae, letting them carry her in every direction even as she directed them towards a place of containment where they could not hinder the creation of the world. Lilith has been compared to a natural force Herself more often than a proclaimed god, as her nature carries her in and throughout history and timelines forgotten, changing the fate of every thing she touches through the slightest of shifts in happenstance. It was this mercurial approach that brought her to the creation of the gnomic race. Seeing the steadfastness and tradition laden lives of the dwarves and elves as too rigid for life in such a fluid world, She breathed life into the ground and trees, causing beings of her likeness to spring forth from them and commanded them to be agents of change and progress in the world. This commandment seems, by all accounts, to have been born into the race as a whole, for throughout history gnomes can be seen as the linchpins that weave the fabric of growth in aspects both tangible and intangible, great and small.   Lilith's vacillating nature makes her the friends of some and the antithesis of many, even among the Lawbright. The friendship and borderline romance between Selena and Lilith is well-documented, just as the distaste with which Ahin and Valorin regard Her methods is. Even though She may test the patience of those on Her side, She is most definitely on the side of good, having proven an effective and harrowing force for good in times of trouble.  

Sabara, the Storm Mother

  The tritons of the sea speak of their divine progenitor as having two personalities that battle for dominion within Her, a belief which informs the depiction of their symbol for Her. One side of the face is gentle and caring, showing the tender love of the Mother towards those of the sea and its rightful denizens. The other side shows dangerous wrath and chaotic destruction through arched eyebrows and burning eyes, showing the Storm for the raging fury of wild forces that is appends to be. This duality is reflected in the great sea with which She lays claim over, though whether the sea reflects the nature of Sabara or Sabara reflects the nature of the sea is an issue which triton scholars have debated for millenniums. The Storm Mother embodies her name to all who lay their faith in the sea, either by fin or paddle. She is largely prayed to and feared by sailors, who make offerings to Her in hope for favorable weather on their voyages or bountiful catches on their fishing trips.   Sabara has held dominion over the oceans of Arys even farther back than when Ahin shaped the first mountains and lands. Her grasp over the water has remained absolute throughout Arys's existence and she has treated potential usurpers of Her crown with crashing vengeance. The fiercest of her enemies are the aboleths; underwater demons of colossal size and intelligence, created by None Itself to usurp control of Arys from the water in the First Sundering War. Her creation of the tritons was a direct response to this aggression, a people resilient and charismatic enough to band together the creatures of the water against the formidable creatures and drive them back into the Plane of Water. Sabara regularly cascades into the Plane of Water to seek out the last of these creatures which have vanished to the depths of the plane to hide from her unabating wrath.   Sabara has always been the lone wolf of the Lawbright and represents the extremes of reckless wrath and love that others of the host often shy away from. Though she was last to be included in the Lawbright, Sabara has always fallen on the side of protection of the mortal realm from outside forces, though many times her protection may come from the violent rebirth of nature through natural disaster. Some say this is because She directly opposed None because of the aboleths and holds no direct ideological similarities to any of the other Lawbright. Others - many of them triton priests - preach that it was the caring foresight of the Mother that caused Her to join forces with Bright Host, knowing that it was only through cooperation with the other gods that Her precious sea might live on.  

Selena, the Sun's Own

  Much has been documented about the many facets of Selenaran and Their wide-spreading grasp of influence. Either of Selenaran's expressions of Themself seem to make their way into stories that seemingly have nothing to do with them, all the while the roots of the story lead back to their gestation being of Selenaran's making the whole time. Selenaran is also one of the gods that commonly shows Themself as male, female, or androgynous. Selenaran is commonly used when referring to their non-binary form, Selenum for the male form, and Selena for the female form. While the elves regularly use all three interchangeably depending on the context or whichever expression is present in the story, Selena is the expression most widely known outside of elven faith and therefore is the most commonly used.   Selena presides over all of nature and therefore her influence touches many other domains. She mostly closely finds herself tied to Lilith, whose purvey over growth and change in the universe draws them close to each other. Their story of friendship, conflict and possible romance is long storied and renowned throughout elven culture as the epitome of love. Selena often finds herself drawn to those in need but often ends up making a mess of things in the process. It is because of this nature that Selena has spread Herself thin across the planes, maintaining watch over the Material Plane, the planes of Nightmares and Dreams, and even a demi-plane located in the middle of Hell. Her hand in creating (inadvertently) the orc god of destruction, Vu, has long been her greatest mishap and she pays divine penance to the Lawbright even to this day.   Selena has vastly different relationships with the other gods, even across hosts. Her closeness with Lilith is well known but she nearly as close with Oghma and Valorin. She maintains somewhat of a working relationship with She Who Is Death as the Expanse of Horrors and the Expanse of Dreams share more than just borders. It is often said that of the Lawbright, Selena is the one that could most easily defect to either of the other hosts. There are even cults that exalt Selena as the true ruler of the Hells, citing blasphemous writings and paintings that show Selena and Baritharl consorting over tea.  

Tamor, the Warrior Judge

  The Father of Giants was the earliest of the gods known to strike against Nothing, starting the First Sundering War. His children are said to be the First of the Gods, the true recipients of celestial inheritance. Tamor serves as an impartial judge in all matters, the Great Judiciary and Great Council composed of Himself and His angels. In the Highest of Halls, Tamor sits on a throne of gold and silver, presiding over matters of minute and universal importance with equal fortitude.   Tamor also presides over contests and competitions across the planes. Gladiators, athletes, and sportsmen of all types offer prayer and supplication from the Warrior Judge that He might show them a fair and just contest that day. It is said that Tamor routinely watches over the sparring of the gods Themselves and that only He knows the score between the mightiest of the Lawbright.   Among the Lawbright, Tamor is the most dedicated to preserving the natural order over the express views of the host. His court regularly entertains devils and lords of dark who seek out the ultimate word of law in their dealings. Though Baritharl is the god of contracts and devilish hierarchy, Tamor does maintain precedence over absolute justice. This has led to the few instances of cooperation between the Heavens and the Hells over time. Tamor strives to be fair in all His interactions with every god, but is known to have his favorites among them even so. There is something of a friendly rivalry between Him and Ahin. The recent Decree of the Apendoctilus has strained even more Tamor's relationship with Valorin, neither of the kings knowing exactly how to move forward. Even though Amara's chaotic nature is often grating on Tamor's unflinchingly lawful nature, He still maintains a curious liking and acceptance of Her as the forces of justice, luck, and fate are more intertwined than either of Them might realize.

Valorin, the Dragon King

  Valorin's reach extends far beyond that of the dragonkin. The Dragon King keeps dominion over all that is noble and good, from the smallest of kindnesses to the greatest of sacrifices. No deed goes unseen and no evil unpunished under the watch of Him or His paragons - platinum dragons of impunital courage and power that serve as Valorin's generals and confidants. Because of these paragons, Valorin extends his influence as far as He can in order to counteract the greed of His Queen and other half, Wither. His entire existence is shaped by the desire to snuff out and destroy Wither's empire. Wherever greed and virtue clash the dragon gods do as well in parts unseen.   The relationships of the Platinum Dragon to the rest of the pantheon most often border on two extremes - hearty disposition or virulent dejection. Though tempered by familiarity, Valorin regards those of the Lawbright with judicious comradery, those of the Dissenters with apprehensive mistrust, and those of the Malediction with violent opposition. No archdevil or demonic god, however, can compare to the virulent hate with which he regards Wither. Even saying the name of the Wicked Queen is forbidden in His presence, as it will cause Him to fly into an unreasonable rage.

Origins of the Dragon Gods

The Dragon King and Queen are unlike any of the other gods. According to the other gods, They were not there at the creation of the world. Valorin and Wither's entrance to the world of entrance has long been told of as a giant meteor that careened across the skies until it crashed into Arys. The crater that was created came to be known as Bahg-Dural, or birthplace of dragons. This cataclysmic event marked the end of the Age of Eternal Slumber and the beginning of the amnesty between giants and dragons. Valorin and Wither also have biological sexes (male and female, respectively). The gods that were present at the creation of the world are immortal and do not have sexes - their means of reproduction are unknown if they even exist, and the gods often choose representations of gender that best fit their own criteria. The nature of their relation to each other is nebulous at best. Husband and wife or brother and sister is not known. What can be said is that there is, or once was, a sort of relation between Them. Valorin solely refers to Wither as His Queen and Wither solely speaks of Valorin as Her King. There are many theories as to the direct lineage and origination of the dragon gods and tangentially dragonkind as well. Some say that the force with which the dragon gods collided with Arys necessitates that they were moving incredibly fast, and had possibly been hurtling through the Deep for an incredible amount of time or distance. Scholars of the creation of the universe have theorized that the act of creation necessitated new governing forces in the universe and that the dragons were spontaneously created along with the world. There is a religion of dragonborn that swear on the whispers of ancestral spirits that speak of a far off world from which dragons originate and that Valorin and Wither were cast off that world for their unceasing fighting.

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