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The Malediction

Deity Alignment Province Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Baritharl LE Tryanny, power over all, ruler of the Nine Hells, contracts Order, Trickery, War Crown of nine spikes
Dahlia NE Insidious secrets, undeath, necromancy Arcana, Death, Grave, Madness, Knowledge Inverted pyramid
Scourge LE War, conquest, slavery, goblinoids Order, War Grinning teeth with fangs
Shiva CE Paranoia, accusations, corruption, surreptitiousness, insects, lies, elves Madness, Trickery Spider
Ulfang CE Torture, hunger, blood, anger, beasts Death, Madness, Tempest Broken chains dripping with blood
Vu NE Destruction, slaughter Death, Tempest, War Axe embedded in a humanoid skull
Wither CE Avarice, greed, vengeance, chaos, chromatic dragons Madness, Trickery, War Five-toed dragon claw

Baritharl, the Hollow Tyrant

  The once de-facto leader of the Malediction, Baritharl now rules the Nine Hells with an iron fist. He waits for the day in which his thousands of plans will come to fruition, giving Him a foothold on the Material Plane once more. The Father of Devils schemes ceaselessly in His dark palace, plotting the fall of the Lawbright and the other Malediction gods. Though in the past He lead the Malediction with charisma and surreptitious skill, Baritharl now sees that alliance will only ever be tenuous amongst inherently selfish beings such as the Malediction. His plans have now turned to the collection of souls, though for what true purpose it is unknown. It is likely He plans to create an army of from these souls so large that even all of Heaven could not hold against them. This is only one possible theory however, and it is said that when one plan of the tyrant's falls, five more spring into place.   Those that have said they have laid eyes on or interacted with the Hell Prince have told of the immense sense of dread and debased hopelessness when facing Him. On the surface He maintains an effectively charming stature, one that can persuade the most staunch of mortals to sign a contract of His and even bend the ears of gods. Celestial beings however speak of an innate emptiness that seems to permeate the space around Him, the feeling that there is a void of space inside Him that radiates emptiness and is devoid of all that is good, natural, and even relatable to existence itself. Mortal perceptions are often not finely tuned enough to perceive this at all.   The Ruler of the Nine Hells has many enemies - nearly all the gods in each host fear and oppose Him outright. Scourge and Dahlia are the closest to kindred spirits that Baritharl might find, one believing in the idea of tyrannical hierachy and the other the idea of hording secrets and knowledge for insidious intent. What is most surprising about Baritharl is how regularly He interfaces with all these gods, for not only is He a machinating and insidious being who is constantly looking to woo every soul to his will, He is also the god of province over contracts. It was his devious architecture that enabled the creation of the Hells through a signed contract with Ahin, giving Him utmost authority to conscript souls for eternity to His infernal hierarchy. It is this expertise that sees Him participate in many cases among the Highest of Halls where He regularly deals with Tamor. Baritharl also is often in close proximity there to His greatest enemy, Amara, whose twists of fate have vexed Him since the dawn of time.  

Dahlia, the Lich King

  As the Master of Secrets and Lord of Unholy Knowledge, Dahlia knows all, seeking the deepest and darkest parts of knowledge and esoterica to crown Themself as king of the universe. The first secret They ever discovered was that of undeath when the first life was created. Dahlia is the enemy of all that is whole and good and twists the very fabric of nature to ensure the downfall of all that dare oppose Them. Among the gods, Dahlia's greatest enemy is Oghma, who seeks to catalog and share all the secrets that Dahlia wishes to hoard.   Being the god of secrets, not much at all is truly known about Dahlia. As First of the Undead, Dahlia often lends power to necromancers and arcane practitioners searching for the path to lichdom... for a price, of course. Many great beings and even other gods have gone to Dahlia for dark knowledge in exchange for darker payments. Dahlia does not seem to reside in one place either but shifts through the universe constantly, searching for knowledge and conducting rituals to enact dark ends. There is said to be a cult of Dahlia that resides in the Expanse of Horrors which sucks the life out of the living through their nightmares, turning them into undead to serve the Lich King.  

Scourge, the Vile Conqueror

  The patron of war and conquest, Scourge delights in invoking fear and subjugating the innocent. To follow His bloody path is to see yourself as superior to all beings and to seek to bend their knees and spines to your rule. Scourge's goblinoid armies made up the rank and file outfits of the Malediction during the Sundering War, for which they were created. Many goblins still pray to Scourge before battle and hobgoblins seek to emulate the Vile Conqueror in all aspects, believing in their superiority to other races despite their god's preliminary defeat.   Scourge splits time between conquering layers of the Abyss and fighting against the orcish forces of Vu in Goth'tamoth, where He commands his forces from his onyx fortress of the Blackened Maw. Scourge is the only other member of the Malediction next to Baritharl who seeks to unite the former Malediction in an effort against the Lawbright. While He believes He is inherently superior to all other beings, Scourge is no stooge. He knows the value of alliances and is a brilliant and brutal tactician, and ventures to make allies with other forces so that He might betray them once their use is at an end.  

Shiva, the Depraved Deceiver

  The Demon Queen of the Abyss sows discord and decay wherever She goes, desecrating civilization with insidious lies and putrid armies. It was Her servants, the great demon spiders, that first began digging the depths of the Abyss after Ulfang dove into the unknowable depths beneath Arcadia. Those that follow Her now are the zealous remnants of drow civilizations or various hag covens that idolize her as the Mother of Putrescence and Schemes, the very virtues that lay the foundation of their societies.   Shiva had more than these fanatics as followers at one point, however. Shiva desperately craved to turn the Material Plane to eternal darkness and once planned to cover the sky in webbing so as to blot out the sun. When She and Malediction were defeated in the Sundering War, she fled from the light and dug down into the place where Ulfang had first burrowed, creating the Abyss through her servants. She would eventually begin to tempt the sky elves - the very children of the sun - to dwell underground, luring them with promises of riches, power, and life-giving order that many elves of the time seemed to be seeking. She posed as Selena's shunned sister, the true hero of the elven people, and called to those who desired rigidity and order rather than the traditional fluidity of elven life. These elves who followed Her whispers down into the earth became the drow and their subterranean civilizations flourished for a time. Shiva was of course using them for an ulterior purpose, drawing them deeper into the earth with her maddening whispers. She pushed the drow and their slaves to dig down to the very foundations of the earth where the barrier between planes is thin. Once there, she torn open the first layers of the Abyss and demons began to pour out of the pustulous earth on the Material Plane. The demons tore apart all the drow and began to encroach on their civilizations as Shiva urged them on. Through a joint venture between elves and dwarves as well as intervention from their gods, this Great Pestilence was fought back and the tears in the earth sealed and covered once more. Shiva was engaged by both Ahin and Selena in Her home of the Abyss and was thus unable to save any of her followers from her actual children. The drow were largely decimated by this event and most of them turned away from worship of Shiva and began to seek vengeance against her demonic spawn.   In the current age, Shiva plots her take over of the Material Plane from the Abyss. Having shunned most of her drow followers, Shiva has grown quiet over the past millennium, which troubles priests of many faiths. Shiva is largely consumed by Her own musings and is hostile to every god that dares to enter Her sanctum. She holds a strange wistfulness for Ulfang, said to be the father to her mother of the abyss, but as It has not been seen since the beginning of the Abyss, Shiva holds no hope for It's return.  

Ulfang, the Unchained

  What is known of Ulfang comes from before the Sundering War, but what can be known is a smaller amount still. The Arbiter of Madness Incarnate floated through the primordial soup of creation causing havoc and destruction at random. Ulfang's form shifted constantly, defying description, leading many to believe that It was a descendant or even a small portion of None Itself. Ulfang was chained away in the Deep until None released It from It's bindings and Ulfang became one of None's greatest weapons in the Sundering War that followed. Of the accounts, one account by a celestial warrior during a battle among the heavens informs depictions of the mad god till this day.
" This hideous benevolence...a remnant of the universe before the universe...lashes out with all its might against that which dares exist in It's presence. A cloud of flailing claws and gnashing teeth, comprised of grisly screams and blinding starlight, cascades over and over and over again like a geyser of living blood from which the greatest nightmares are born. I only hope that those who recount this embellishment do not conjure too perfect an image in their mind's eye from what I am unfortunately seeing with mine own. I now know this - I have been cursed with existence, for existence has brought me to this moment where I behold the antithesis of all that Is and Ever Will Be. This curse will not hold sway over me for long." - Perrigrew, angelic knight of the Watchers of Tamor, moments after beholding Ulfang and moments before slaughtering his comrades and himself.
Whatever elements of divinity defeated Ulfang at this battle caused the Unchained to burrow deep into the layers below Arcadia, laying the bedrock for the Abyss that Shiva would eventually fill with horrible life. By all accounts, Ulfang still dredges away in the Abyss, creating its infinite layers for purposes unknown or unfathomable. There are few that call on Ulfang's power but they seek a fraction of the mad god's mind to seize their own and drive them with berserk depravity and glorious violence. The Lawbright is content to let Ulfang widen the Abyss for eternity, for if It was to ever emerge again, They would have to rechain the Unchained.  

Vu, the Endbringer

  The epitome of destruction and apocolyptic doom, Vu was created in the depths of the Abyss through the Machinations of the Malediction. A great celestial being whose soul was twisted and warped for milennia, Vu was born with an insatiable bloodlust and desire to cause pain. Before he could be set loose on the Material Plane, Selena transported Him to a prison of Her own making. She created a hidden demi-plane within the Hells that satiated His thirst for violence in a never-ending cycle and thus He remains for now. However, the power bestowed in Him is said to be greater than even those who created Him know. The only reason He is satiated within His plane is that He has been driven utterly mad by the pain, too depraved to even form a coherent thought. This knowledge lies heavily on the Lawbright and especially Selena, whose oracles have foretold of an apocalyptical end to the world brought by the eventual release of Vu.  

Wither, the Dragon Queen

  Wither is the dangerous god of greed, vengeance, and chromatic dragons. Those that follow Her are either chromatic dragons or are bent on the accumulation of wealth. She embodies the personality traits that make the chromatic dragons who they are just as Her counterpart Valorin embodies the nobility inherent in all metallic dragons. Indeed, Wither's entire existence feeds on and for the destruction of Valorin and all that He stands for.   Wither's form has changed drastically over the millennium. Before the end of the Sundering War, Wither was akin to a walking mountain with five heads and wings the size of lakes. Because of Her failure to protect None in the final battle of the war, None cursed Wither's form to dwindle and decrease. It was from this instance that the Dragon Queen would come to commonly be called Wither. It was said that Her bones cracked and Her skin began to desiccate and that Her wings shriveled to husks, rendering them unusable.   Presently, Wither dwells within the Hells on the isle of Nexium close to the Brimstone Sea. She lords over this isle as an interim archdevil, granted this status by Baritharl for unknown reasons. With this status comes infernal power, which Wither has used to begin to circumvent her curse. She is said to be able to cast great magics now and adopt a myriad of forms, allowing Her to travel across the planes seeking for ways to return to Her glory of long ago. This infernal power has had unexpected results, however, namely that Wither is beholden to fits of raging madness. This madness accentuates the strength of her five heads, causing them to separate into five separate personalities and fight incessantly with each other.

The Dragon Queen's True Name

  The goddess of the chromatic dragons once held a different name before she was cursed by None, but it has been scratched out of history and time itself. Wither's true name has been searched for for centuries, many believing that finding the name would grant great power over Her, even allowing for Her ultimate demise. For Her part, it seems that Wither has gone to great lengths to hide Her true name. She does call Herself Wither when referring to Herself, while Her followers use many different names such as Dragon Queen, They of the Five Heads, Mother of Dragons, and Opalescent One.

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