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Novice Eleanor Durand

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eleanor was born in the border town of Valante. Due to the war the town was constantly being garrisoned by Noramadian soldiers. Young Eleanor was the daughter of one such soldier with a local woman, she idolized her father who she saw as a defender of Valante and the Empire of Noramadia.   When she was still very young, the war escalated. A battle broke out near Valante and the city got caught up in it, the Empire lost the battle and the Alarian soldiers took over, the victory drunken soldiers pillaged the town, murdering and raping with impunity. Eleanor's father was mortally wounded keeping Eleanor and her mother safe while they fled the town. They escaped further into Noramadia, but Eleanor's father later died of his wounds.   Young Eleanor took the death of her father hard, he was her entire world and she felt lost without him. She picked up his sword and promised to protect the Empire in the same way that he did when he was alive. Her mother was against the idea, after many fights and arguments she eventually sold Eleanor's sword to a passing merchant, that was the last straw to Eleanor. She fled her mother's house, stole her sword back from the merchant and made her way towards the capital.   Young Eleanor had a very hard time surviving on her own, she was forced to join a group of orphans on a town in order to be able to eat again, running with them she learned how to be stealthy, she refined her stealing skills, as well as her persuasion. But she made no progress towards her true goal, becoming a soldier and protecting the Empire, the sadness of disappointing her father, and the realization that her mother had been right all along sent her into a deep depression. Eleanor took to drinking to try and keep the sadness at bay, it helped a bit but not much. During one of her drunken brawls, she was arrested and sent to the city prison, where she had her sword taken away from her, she sobbed and moaned, unable to sleep without it.   A female sergeant of the local garrison listened to her cries of despair, she asked Eleanor her story, which she relayed adding even more tears to her cell. The sergeant took pity on the young girl and offered her a position in the city militia. Eleanor could not believe her luck, she accepted it immediately. The very next day Eleanor was training with the sergeant, she found Eleanor to be a clumsy, yet eager student, and took great pleasure in training her. With the passing years, the daily training routine of Eleanor saw her become the best swordswoman of the region. She was the nightmare of any bandits and nearby monsters. Although it was more under control she did develop an addiction to alcohol, she could go a long time without it, but if she started drinking there was no stopping her.   The sergeant, now retired, wanted to leave her old position to Eleanor, but she surprised the old soldier by asking a letter of recommendation to the adventurers guild in Batria. She wanted to protect the innocent, and make sure no one had to grow without their father as she did, also she wanted to become one of the renowned imperial knights, and there was no better way of doing that than by becoming an adventurer. The sergeant was sad to see her go but complied with her wishes. Now armed with a letter of recommendation, a well-crafted light armor, a parting gift from her mentor, to serve as protection and a memento, and her father's longsword, she made her way towards Batria.   Once there she found that her skill was easily dismissed by the guild, she was seen as a spoiled girl from a backwater town, she had to prove her skill twice, first by passing the guild's admission test, and then by beating five of the best novice fighters in the guild. Only then she received her license. Even so, despite her skill, she was passed up from many adventuring parties. She can usually only pick solo jobs, and can be found drinking her sorrows over the city tavern's, the drunken brawls she usually provokes doing nothing to help her find steady work with the guild.


Straight as spaghetti?


Eleanor was taught survival skills on the streets of Idalaria, and in the same city, she was taught how to fight by Mary and old sergeant serving in the city guard.


She started her military career as a member of the militia in Idalaria, her skill eventually saw her promoted to the city guard, an official branch of the imperial army tasked with protecting its city's.   She now works as an adventurer for the Adventurers Guild in Batria. Altough being so new to the city and being considered by the guild appraisal as a novice she is having difficulty finding meaningfull work.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became one of the youngest militia women to be promoted to the city guard, while some belived it was because of her mother, daughter relationship with Mary, those that really matter know it was because of her commitment and skill.

Failures & Embarrassments

Eleanor is a hopeless alcoholic, she has enough self-control to not drink on the job, but when she is at her leisure time she can often be found as drunk as a skank in any tavern in the city. She has also a bad habit of starting fights when she is drunk, which can often lead her to prison or to be banned from the tavern, a fate she dreads more than anything. She is slowly getting out of taverns where she is allowed to drink in Batria. The idea that soon she won't have a place to indulge in her vice scares the shit out of her.

Mental Trauma

Saw her city get looted by soldiers from the Kingdom of Alaria, and saw her father die in front of her. While the wounds she suffered on that day have healed, the scars still weight heavily on her mind. She often dreams of being powerless, and she sees the whole day unfold in front of her again while she is incapable of doing anything. Those dreams are usually followed by a particularly long session of drinking.   She harbors a deep hatred of the Kingdom of Alaria, she understands that imperial soldiers themselves are not saints, but even so, imperial army conduct strictly forbids looting and raping when a city is captured, punishable by death. Those carefree alarians have no such rules in place and allow such things to happen.

Intellectual Characteristics

Eleanor has little formal education, and as such is ignorant of many of the finer academic details, she only learned to read because Mary threatened to stop teaching her the sword if she didn't. But when it comes to fighting, she is a genius.

Morality & Philosophy

Eleanor learned from her dad that the strong should protect the weak. She believes in that wholeheartedly. She strives to uphold the laws of the Empire and to protect its citizens whenever possible, she understands of course that she can't save all, she is not hopelessly kind, she simply wishes to do all in her power to protect those that can't protect themselves from those who would oppress them.

Personality Characteristics


Eleanor wants to protect the weak, as such, she aspires to join the highest order in the imperial army, the imperial knights. Bound by a strict sense of duty and code of honor, the knights ride across the land keeping the citizens of the empire safe. She dreams of being able to join this select group of warriors. But only 20 them exist at present, and only the best of the best are chosen to join the order. She knows that the first thing she has to do is attract the attention of one of the knights, and the best way of doing that is by becoming an adventurer of note, she wants to climb the ranks of the guild and attract the attention of one of the knights, so she can become his squire.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Extremely good with her sword, many adventurers use master crafted blades or even magical ones, but she sticks to her old longsword, and she is so proficient in using it that it can rival almost any blade.   She has an uncanny understanding of her surroundings and is incredibly aware of her body's position as well as the position of her opponents, this allows her to do some very precise dodges and parry's, and also allows her to use the terrain to the fullest.   She is not strong and was forced to learn how to overcome opponents that are way stronger than her, because of this she is particularly good at reading and directing opponents movements, she can throw a sequence of attacks, all of them appearing lethal attempts, but each of them simply getting her opponent to where she wants him to be so she can deliver the first of her true attacks in an area she forced him to expose.  


If the skill is not a skill a soldier or a knight would need she has little interest in it, because of that she is incredibly bad at anything outside of the scope of soldering.   She is not very good with animals, they tend to be resentful of her for some reason, this is particularly bothersome with horses, a knight must be able to ride a horse, she tries to practice this skill whenever she can, but she is still far from being a competent rider.

Likes & Dislikes

Idolizes knights, likes soldiers, loves field rations and lemon juice, loves anything alcoholic but she is especially fond of Dragon's Ale.   Hates aldorians, hates oppressors, hates being dismissed as a farm girl, dislikes elaborated dishes.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, Precise, Aware, Relentless, Defensive.

Vices & Personality flaws

Alcohol addiction.


Contacts & Relations

Mary - Mentor

Family Ties

Karine - Mother Armel - Father

Religious Views

Worships Yytrix, the female god of war and perseverance. Yytrixis also an arbiter of the rules of war, she rewards those who follow them and punishes those who do not.

Social Aptitude

Eleanor is very serious and down to business, that changes when she is drunk tough, at those times she becomes very friendly and open, or it might be one of the rare moments in which you might see her cry.   She is extremely awkward when it comes to romance, her whole life she chased her dream of becoming a knight and of protecting people as her father did, that dream left her with little time for falling in love, she is still inexperienced in this part of life.

Wealth & Financial state

She is very poor. She lives in a barn on the outskirts of town, the only things she owns are her sword and armor.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
734 28 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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