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Itylarien Naekalyn

Guardian Itylarien Naekalyn

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the era's long past, before the age of man had begun, the elves were the dominant race in the world of Valarien. The territory that now comprises the Empire of Noramadia was once occupied by three elven kingdoms. The Lunari had a strong kinship with the night and worshiped the moon as their patron goddess, their society developed with strong ties to magic, their artifacts and magicians being some of the best in the world during their days of glory. The Helari, in contrast, worship the sun, they saw labor and faith as the key aspects of life, their society was dominated by their sun-worshiping church and they fielded some of the best fighters in the world. Finally the Sylvari did not lean towards the night or the day, they believed both to be equally important for the balance of the world, they placed their faith instead in nature, living in great living forests they tended to the trees and they in turn sheltered and protected them, they prefered to be isolated and produced great druids and archers.   Those three, once great kingdoms, now are no more, they fought amongst themselves for a long time, the internal struggles eventually fracturing their kingdoms and leaving them vulnerable to outside invasion. The elves are not all gone tough, some remained in the ancient lands but most retreated to the more remote regions of the world, were using their strong magic they hide from the world at large. Many elves hail from these kingdoms, but they are kept hidden and no elf discloses their locations, and even if one might know where to find them, the strong magic protecting the kingdoms makes sure they cannot enter without permission.   Itylarien was born in one such kingdom, she was born in Lunarien, the last great kingdom of the Lunari, her family once was royalty, now they were but a footnote of a long distant past and lived in obscurity. Her father was a guardian, he lived in the outskirts of Lunarien making sure that any threat would be dealt with long before it reached the kingdom, he stayed away for long periods of time and when he finally would return he would feel uneasy, civilized life simply not agreeing with him after spending so much time in the wilderness. Itylarien grew up as all elven children do, she was taught their three languages, their five alphabets, she was taught their extensive history and the culture of their race. She found school to be boring and redundant, what she was being taught had almost no relevance to her. After decades of this and with no end in sight, for the elven education cycle in Lunarien took 60 years to be finished, she was on the verge of dying from sheer boredom. She started hanging out with like-minded elves that took issue with the way their lives were dictated by their parents and traditions and found in rebelling against the system a way to feel relevant and alive, they did not want to wait 400 more years before they could leave an impact on their society and so they acted. They started first as simple pranksters and bully's, but they soon graduated to thievery and assault, some of her friends left the group as it escalated closer and closer to violence, but she relished in it, finally feeling alive again. After a while, their little escapades looked rather similar to a terrorist attack and eventually resulted in the death of an elder, that was the last straw, the group was swiftly arrested and punished for their crimes. The leaders of the group were banished from Lunarien, the rest were sent to reformation groups.   Itylarien had seen the errors of her ways, she was simply trying to escape the boredom of her life, but she never truly wanted to kill anyone, neither did she wish to bring down the city she loved so much. She did not complain when the elders decided to exile her from Lunarien, with tears in her eyes she said her farewells to her mother and family, she cast one last glance at the silvery city that she was never going to see again and left it forever. When the great gates of the city closed behind her and the magic barrier removed the city from her sight she fell to the floor, she had been fighting the tears up until now. She was trying to be strong. But now, she surrendered herself to her melancholy, she tough of all that she threw away, all the friends she lost and the shame she brought on her family. She eventually felt strong hands resting on her shoulder. It was her father. He gave her a sad smile and led her to his hut. Once there he explained to her that she could never return, but if she wished to atone for her crime she could still help protect Lunarien. She saw in this a way out, that gave her purpose and made her feel part of something larger, plus she had always idolized her father, him being away was one of the chief reasons she rebelled in the first place, being able to spend all her days alongside him was almost enough to melt her melancholy. She accepted his offer and started a long and grueling training with him. She had learned how to fight in Lunarien, but after a quick demonstration of her skills, her father told her to forget all that she had learned, he then proceeded to teach her a true fighting style, not the glamorized sport version of combat she learned. He also taught her simple magic and how to blend in with the environment. He broke her down to the last strings of civilization awakening her inner animal instinct, that gave her better senses and reflexes that pushed her over the edge of what was possible. It took many years but eventually, Itylarien was a certified Guardian, just like her father.   Now, her exile was no longer the great trauma it felt like at the time, she was spending her days with her father. Also, her mother and siblings would come to visit her from time to time, bringing news from the city to them. She felt like she finally found her place in life, and in some ways, she was grateful for the mistakes she made, for without them she would not be here right now. That was until all guardians were summoned back to Lunarien, save for Itylarien, her banishment still being in effect, a great threat had appeared in the north. A large barbarian horde was coming down from the frozen mountains and into the Southlands. That would not be a big concern for Lunarien, but an evil presence accompanied the horde, the land was being corrupted and warped around them. Until they knew what they were dealing with, they wanted every guardian safely inside the city, they did not want to risk having their guardians be picked off one by one, they would need every single one of them if the horde ever brought their attention to Lunarien.   Itylarien could no enter the city, but she could head its command, if they wanted their guardians to be safe until the time was right, she was going to do just that, she traveled south, away from the horde, into the ancestral lands of the Lunari, into the hearth of the Empire of Noramadia, there she waited, her ears open, waiting for news from the north and at the same time trying to figure out what was going on in the north, recent rumors of a high ranking barbarian fleeing the horde and coming to the south picked her interest, she is doing all she can to track this barbarian down and find out more about the horde.




She was trained in the arts of battle by her father, he taught her and ancient elven form of warfare that relied on speed and the use of magic, she is quite proficient at it, but she has yet to reach her father's level.


Itylarien works as a guardian of Lunarien. The order of guardians is an old one, tracing its origins back to the first city, their job is simple, they live away from the elven cities they protect and they make sure minor problems never reach the city, they also make sure that major problems are known before-hand so the city can be prepared to defend itself.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Itylarien has protected Lunarien on multiple occasions, alongside with her father they stopped an entire invasion force of goblins, while they are not the most dangerous of foes, nor the most organized fighting force, their sheer number posed a problem and so this feat is still impressive. She also hunted a dragon with her father, the green dragon Faregnar made its home in Moon Shard(geography), the forest that houses Lunarien, her father did most of the work but her swords are made of the dragon bone they extracted from Faregnar after killing him and she has a few special dragon arrows she can use.

Failures & Embarrassments

She was banished from the city she was born in, a fate that is considered worse than death by the elves.

Morality & Philosophy

Itylarien believes that her culture and people must be preserved, she wants to protect the people of Lunarien and her family at all costs, while she started her life on the wrong foot she managed to turn it around. She now has great respect for the laws and traditions of her people, and under the guidance of her father struggles to become a model guardian.

Personality Characteristics


She is in search of redemption, she regrets the actions that led to her banishment and has since changed her ways, but that is not nearly enough to earn her right to join the city again, she believes that by becoming a great guardian and protecting the city against every threat, she may one day have her banishment lifted.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Itylarien is an amazing fighter, like all elves she spent decades perfecting her fighting skills under the tutelage of her father, who has been perfecting his skills for centuries, now in ten years you might be able to achieve perfection in almost every way, so much so that to an untrained eye there would be no difference between a human fighter and an elven one, the results of such extensive dedication are minor, but they elevate the art of fighting to a whole new level. She can fight as well as any master, but she can deny her opponent's advantage in strength, if they have any, or overpower them if they do not, her extreme skill also means there are no movements wasted, she is faster and more energy-efficient in every move because of that. Also, her training made her body act on its own, she requires no conscient thought to fight, which frees her brain to analyze and outsmart her opponents.   She is also just as well trained and deadly with her bow than she is with her swords. She complements her fighting style with the use of magic, that magic is of arcane origin, but comes from inside her, the lineage of her family serving as the conduit for natural magic.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves her father, is quite racist for she thinks the Lunarians are the best thing since sliced bread, aside from that she likes elven cuisine, forests and the silvery light of the moon. She likes people that are honest and dutiful and that respect tradition.   She dislikes people that disrespect tradition and people that talk shit about elves. She dislikes human cuisine and drinks, and their cities are an eyesore to her.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is fast and precise, graceful and well mannered, she rarely loses her temper and can keep a level head most of the time. She is also incredibly loyal once you get to her good side.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is very racist making it hard for her to interact with non-elves, also in combat or intense situations she has trouble communicating, she acts on pure instinct and words make no sense to her in those moments, that makes working together with people that don't share this instinctive form of fighting difficult. She can also be extremely vicious to her enemies, her foes usually seeing a bit of the teenager Itylarien before they die, a side of her that she fought hard to suppress but that can come out in stressful situations.


Social Aptitude

She is a woman of few but effective words, reserved and stern. Despite that, those who earn her trust and companionship find her to be extremely optimistic, she faced the worst punishment of her society and came out of it better for it, so she always has words of encouragement in the darkest of hours. They also find her to be warm and almost motherly, being more than she is hundred years older than most humans, most of them feel like children to her and she treats them as such, that can be belittling if she dislikes the target, or loving if she likes it. She also believes that elves are a superior race and has no qualms or shame in sharing her opinion, it is only natural to her, "be upset at nature, not me", is something you can hear her say quite often.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
624 138 Years old
Current Residence
Empire of Noramadia
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm wearing lots of belts... for no reason at all."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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