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Jean du Rousellot

Apprentice Jean du Rousellot

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jean was born in the city of Batria to the Rousellot family. The Rousellot are one of the oldest lines of the empire and are closely related to the royal family, through years of cautious line selection, magical manipulation and careful removal of all worthless members of the family, the Rousellot have managed to create some of the best individuals in the whole of the empire. Jean is one of their latest achievements, he is genetically gifted, being both intelligent, good looking and having massive charisma, couple that with the best tutors money can buy and the result is a prodigy destined to change the world.   From an early age Jean was groomed to be a worthy successor to his father Jacques, he knew little in the way of love from his family, all of their efforts were concentrated on creating the best offspring and then making sure they reached their full potential, sentimentalism had no place there. Young Jacques felt alone in the world, he could barely speak a word to his father without him barking insults back at him, he had a good relationship with his mother, but his father quickly sent her away after he concluded she was spoiling his son. Jean grew up in a cold and sometimes hostile environment, the only place where he truly felt well was at school, where he was the center of attention, his intelligence, beauty, talent, and fortune, making everyone compete for his attention. He relished such moments, he started to measure his own self-worth on how much better he was than everyone else around him, when someone threatened to catch up to him in any field he would go into overdrive and increase the gap between them.   Jean completed his basic education with flying colors, his instructors told his father that he was the best student the school ever saw, that got a grunt of approval from his father, but little more. He decided to put his intelligence to good use, magic users always wielded tremendous power and influence in the empire, if he was really so smart he could become a powerful wizard and bring the family to new heights. Without having really any choice in the matter Jean was enrolled in the Traxiaria, he was accepted immediately, no tests were required for him, he also was put in the care of the Head Master of the Academy himself, hailed by many as the greatest wizard of his era. As was always the case, Jean excelled, he quickly found himself among the best in the academy, he, of course, could not measure up to the wizards above him, but he took solace in the fact that he was approaching them at a quick and unrelenting pace, all of that with almost no effort on his part, for he spent most of his time partying with his friends and picking up girls at the city's taverns.   That all changed when Catherine entered the academy, at first he found it amusing, a dirty peasant in the most elite school of wizards in the empire, a school made for the nobility and the very best that the empire could produce. Such amusement quickly died out, she was chosen by the master that never took students, that shook him, sure he was a student to the Head Master, the best master one could ask for, but he had taken many students before him, Kyo had taken none, and for all he knew she was also a superb wizard, he also had, like all male, and many of the female, students, a crush on her, as was pissed off that this peasant had her attention. He quickly saw his chance, he saw her playing dragon chess with one of the students of the cleric school and challenged her. Dragon chess was similar to regular chess, but it had an air dimension to it with new units, that changed the strategies completely and made the game way harder, Jean was a champion of dragon chess and he knew Catherine was ignorant of that fact, now he had the chance to not only beat her but to completely humiliate her and put her in her place. To his dismay she proved herself to be quite proficient in the game as well, he eventually did beat her 2-0, but it was far from the humiliating loses he hoped to inflict on her, he played to the crowd tough, acted pleased and left the place, but inside he knew she was going to be trouble for his position.   His fears were justified, she did not get a single note bellow the maximum, she was incredibly gifted and smart, just like him, but she studied all day long with little pause for pleasure, he tried to step it up, and when he dedicated himself to it he could, but he could never keep pace with her, she was too determined, too headstrong and too disciplined, it took only two years before she overtook him as the best student in the Traxiaria. Jean was furious with that, he took every opportunity to make life miserable to her, he sowed fake rumors about the things she had to do to enter the academy, and at one point even tried to have her expelled, but while he did considerable damage to her reputation, and mental sanity, he did not succeed in getting her kicked out of the school, the only thing that saved him from having her graduate above him was the fact that he was one year older and finished his studies first.   To him it was the greatest relief of his life to finally see himself rid of Catherine, she cast a long shadow on his life, but now the world was bright again, using his money he equipped himself with the best equipment money could buy and joined the Adventurers Guild, he quickly climbed the ranks and got promoted to an apprentice adventurer in less than a year, something only a few adventurers were ever able to achieve. Things were looking bright for Jean, but now Catherine has joined the Adventurers Guild too. He had been preparing for this, for he knew it was going to happen eventually, now he is pulling every favor and bribing everyone he can, to make sure she is unable to overtake him, he was powerless to act in the Traxiaria, but now he can act however he wants and he will ensure she does not surpass him.




Jean received his education in the Royal Academy of Batria, one of the most respected academic institutions in the Empire of Noramadia. The Royal Academy is responsible for many scientific achievements and doubles as a teaching facility for the best and the brightest. He is also a trained wizard, receiving his training at the Traxiaria. He graduated from the Wizard's Academy as the best in his year. Over the years he also had many personal tutors, they instructed him in many different fields, one of his favorites was the field of fighting, Jean had every intention to become an adventurer before becoming the head of his family, so he trained relentlessly in hand to hand and sword combat, his talent was just as applicable to his fighting training as it was to his academic studies.


Jean does not need to work, but he is an apprentice at the Adventurers Guild, that makes him a rank 4 adventurer, a low position still, but the speed in which he achieved it sets him apart from the rest.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has always been the best of his peers in everything he practiced, even when he did not practice he would still find himself being top dog. He graduated at the top of his class in the Royal Academy and as the best in his year at the Traxiaria. He also managed to become an apprentice on the Adventurers Guild in less than a year, a feat only some of the best in the history of the organization have ever achieved.

Failures & Embarrassments

His only true failure comes from his inability to surpass Catherine, it pains him deeply that she was able to learn even faster than him, he knows that he has more talent than her, but she has this ability of grinding all day long and that gives her the edge. Jean is so used to being the best effortlessly that he gets extremely bored with studying, as such he just can't keep up with Catherine when she sets her mind to it.

Mental Trauma

Jean knew little love from his family, his father was only pleased when he showed himself to be the absolute best, and even then the affection he displayed was very minor, because of that Jean whole life is a constant fight to be the best in everything, he is competitive to a fault, although he has the talent to be the best, he leads a very lonely life, this loneliness is expressed with a superior and arrogant air and with small bursts of anger being lashed at other people. He also feels he can't open up to anyone, he has no shoulder to cry on, and so his loneliness becomes more and more chronical and a part of him.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a genius in all fields, it doesn't matter what he sets his eyes on mastering, he achieves it, with little effort and in record time.

Morality & Philosophy

Jean is a traditionalist, he enjoys going out and partying hard but he never breaks any laws in doing so. He is considered cold by many since he can remove people from his life as quickly as they entered it, but he does keep a group of close friends who have his utmost support, even if he sees himself as the leader of that little group. He believes in a meritocratic world, where the best rise to the top and the worst sink to the bottom, as such he has little patience for the less fortunate, their condition a clear indication to him of their lack of skill and ambition, and for those above him he shows respect, for even if he cannot see it yet, he knows there is something special that allowed them to be where they are now.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to be the best wizard in the world, wants to surpass his father in everything that he does, for he is his ultimate benchmark. He looks to the war against the Kingdom of Alaria as an opportunity for himself. If the war lasts long enough, he can lead armies in it and emerge from it as a great hero.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at everything, bad at being humble.

Likes & Dislikes

Jean likes being the best, he also likes his three close friends and his mother, even though he can't see her much, he likes only the most elaborate of foods, he has an army of chefs making his meals every day, which are all specially prepared to ensure the best nutrition for him.   Jean hates when people are better than him, but that is not simply a fancy, it takes away from him all that he is, it breaks his spirit and his will to live, as such he resists being surpassed fiercely, even if he has to resort to underhanded methods. He hates his father, nothing will give him more pleasure than seeing him dead and taking his place as the head of the family. He hates Catherine, who was the only one that was able to outclass him, he is still above her, but she is a constant danger to him, if she could just fail to pay her debt and become a slave, that would be the best thing in the world for him. He also dislikes poor people and people that fail in their goals, he never failed in his life and so he has no point of reference, as such he thinks they are lazy and foolish.

Virtues & Personality perks

Genious, perfect body control, beautiful, enchanting voice, hypnotic eyes.

Vices & Personality flaws

Arrogant, competitive, ruthless, merciless.

Wealth & Financial state

Jean is the heir to one of the richest family's in the empire. As such he has infinite funds and can have whatever he wants.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Apprentice, Lord
Year of Birth
740 22 Years old
Empire of Noramadia
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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