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Jiang Yu

Slave Jiang Yu

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jiang was born in a small town in Naria. She was orphaned very young, her mom dying of a disease only a few years after her birth. She was raised by her older half-sister Xie, her mother had been married years prior, but war took her husband away and he never returned. Xie did everything in her power to give her younger sister a good life, she was a half-breed, half human half monster, their mother had laid with the spirit of the kitsune, a mighty beast, said to give those he chooses good fortune, as well as wise and strong off-spring. Alas such rumors proved to be only fantasy, their mother was dead and Jiang was mostly hated for being different. She had long ears and many tails, those could not be easily hidden and made her stick out like a sore thumb, both of them were also incredibly beautiful, and men constantly shoot lustful glances towards them. Xie took on the role of caring for young Jiang, she worked whatever jobs she could and she would occasionally entertain men for money. She kept most of her activities a secret from Jiang and tried her best to allow her to take a better path in the future.   When Jiang was 10 years old, she and her sister were traveling to a new town, they could never afford to stay anywhere for long, at first the population would indifferent to them or at least receptive, but as time went on, their curiosity would turn slowly to bitterness and then to hatred, the motives for such hatred being unknown to the two sisters, but probably having to do with the fear of the different that all people seemed to have. As they traveled they encountered a group of pirates camping in a river. They quickly changed their route to pass as far away from them as possible, but not before being spotted by one of the pirates on the lookout. The two sisters fled, at first they made good progress, but Jiang could not keep up for long, Xie decided to leave her in a safe place and doing her best to attract the pursuers led them in a different direction.   Time passed, the day turned to night and the night to morning, and yet there was no sign of Xie. Jiang, fearing the worst, left her hiding place to go look for her sister. She made her way back to the pirate camp, she tried to be as sneaky as possible but her best was not good enough, she was spotted and captured by the pirates. The captain was decent enough to prevent his crew from raping the child, but she was swiftly collared and turned into a slave, her first job, keeping the ship shining. Jiang cried almost constantly, she sobbed and called for her sister, but after taking so many beatings that her body could barely register pain anymore, she stopped, having finally learned to keep her sadness to herself. Meanwhile, Xie had returned to the place where she left Jiang, she did not find her sister there and was gripped by regret and despair. She ran to the pirates camp ready to trade herself for the freedom of her sister, but when she reached the shore the pirates had already sailed away. Xie found a small amulet half-buried in the sand, it was a small jade pendant, the only thing Jiang had of their mother. It was not worth much, but it was worth enough that she knew no sane pirate would throw it away. Jiang left that behind, she was alive and with the pirates, Xie swore she was going to find her sister again and she was going to free her, no matter the cost.   Jiang was taken to the Empire of Noramadia, where, along with many other slaves collected by the pirates, she was sold in the grand markets of Batria. She was sold to an old man, who took her to his farm, where she was expected to work as a house servant, her only task was to be cute and look good for the guests. It was not the worst life, in many ways life was more comfortable now than when she was with her sister, nonetheless she missed Xie fiercely, so she tried to escape from her master many times, she was always captured again and punished hard for the transgression. One day the old man had simply had enough and gave her as a present to one of his business partners who had taken a fancy to the odd woman.   The merchant was not a kind man, he abused Jiang, both physically and mentally, he put an arcane collar on her, one small flick of his wrists was enough to send so much pain trough her body that she thought she would die every time, she had gotten used to being beaten, but this, this was something else entirely. She was forced to obey him, and to try and please him in every way, otherwise, he would punish her, and sometimes he would even do it for fun. She lives in constant terror of this man. Recently he began to be even more aggressive towards her, some of his caravans went missing and he is massively in debt, so much debt could send him into slavery if he did not pay it soon, Jiang would find that ironic if she were not so terrified of him. Either way, she heard of a group of adventurers that he hired to locate one of his caravans, she half hopes they succeed, she long ago gave up on hating her master, now she is only terrified of him, and she dreads what he might do to her in case he goes bankrupt.




Jiang had no formal education, but she is a beauty to behold, years of torture under the yoke of masters have taught her to read people and move silently around them. She did receive a basic education from her sisters, so she at least knows how to read and write even though she never had any use for such skills.


She is a slave of Roland Besson, she works for him as a personal servant and a pleasure slave.

Failures & Embarrassments

She was captured by pirates and sold into slavery.

Mental Trauma

She stayed defiant for most of the time she was a slave, but the torture techniques of her last master have made her terrified of men, and distrustful of magic.

Morality & Philosophy

Is deeply against slavery, she believes every person should be free and be able to choose its own destiny. She is against racism of all kinds, trying her best to treat even the most strange of races with the utmost respect, she knows well how it feels to be judged by the circumstances of your birth, and she loathes to inflict that on someone else.

Personality Characteristics


Dreams of being free, but above all her greatest desire is to be reunited with her sister.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is good with people, having learned to maneuver around them quite proficiently. She has also a beautiful voice, that can charm almost anyone. She learned early in her life that she has some sort of natural magical power flowing through her, and it was only with the utmost discipline that she could keep her powers hidden until now. But now the arcane collar she wears suppresses all of her magic, so she can't use it even if she wanted to.   Right now she is very repressed, the weight in her neck always reminding her that pain is only one flick of a finger away from her. That makes her eager to obey and sapped much of her courage to speak her mind or to try to escape.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves freedom and her sister. It rare that she gets a treat, but she favors sweet fruits and cold juices. She used to have a love of flowers, right now they make her sick, their beauty contrasting so hard against the ugly word in which they exist.   She hates slavery and her master. Has a particular hate of the, tear-inducing, bad food they feed her with.

Virtues & Personality perks

Deep down, despite everything that happened to her, she is still kind and belives in the world.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is stubborn to a fault, she could be living in relative comfort if not for it. She is also an idealist, right now she is unable to spout nonsense, but if given half a chance she will talk for hours about her perfect world.


Family Ties

Xie Yu - Sister
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
742 20 Years old
Current Residence
Empire of Noramadia
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
62 kg

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