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Miranda von Edgyrein

Countess Miranda von Edgyrein (a.k.a. Dark Lady)

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Miranda was born in the Empire of Noramadia her father was Otto the count of Gothenberg, he had received this position after helping put down a rebellion from the old count of Gothenberg. But Miranda was a bastard, she was a daughter he had with a farm girl, true that was before he got married, but that didn't change the fact he had her out of wedlock, that was before he left for the war, when he came back he found out the woman was dead and her orphaned daughter was surviving on the "mercy" of cruel relatives, hating to see a daughter of his like that he took her home with him. This move did serious damage to his reputation, it was not at all uncommon for nobles to have bastards, but you were supposed to deny it not bring them home with you.   Despite the damage to his reputation, the emperor still granted Otto the County of Gothenberg and with that title came many offers of marriage to him. He eventually got married and settled into the life of a count. His bastard daughter had a relatively normal childhood, she was barred from all the high-class events and would usually spend more time with her servants than with her family, but her father still loved her and she loved him, they would go on long trips in the county's alps, which she loved so much. On one of these trips she saw her father practicing his sword fighting, she got interested in it and asked him to teach her some moves, he was hesitant at first, but seeing her excited smile was always enough to disarm him and he relented. He taught her fencing, a style that was not suited to the battlefield, but was highly popular as a sport among the nobility, she was terrible at it, but she was very eager and worked hard on it day and night, she wanted to one day beat her father in a match, he warned her that a noble lady should not pursue such paths in life, but stopped after she reminded him that she was not a true noble.   The years went by fast. When her father was not around Miranda fought against the solitude by training even harder, so she could show off all that she had learned to her father, he even hired an instructor for her, a peculiar man but highly skilled, he would only teach at night, Otto resisted such a crazy idea at first, but night classes would reduce the number of eyes on Miranda which would be a good thing in the long run, so after some convincing from the instructor and Miranda he relented. The man's name was Manfred and he was more than just a master, he was a paragon of the sword, Miranda had absolutely no chance against him, his movements were so fast and fluid, but every clash of the sword felt like he was putting his whole body in the strike, she had no idea that Manfred was, in fact, a vampire, and what she was feeling and seeing was his supernatural speed and strength. Instead, she saw the difference between them as her own inadequacy and started to train even harder.   Manfred had come to teach the girl simply to get closer to her father, having influence over the local count would be very useful for him, but he had taken a liking to young Miranda, she was so full of fire, so determined, she reminded him of all that he once had and lost when he became an undead, he started to desire her, he wanted her fire for himself. Miranda had never shown any interest in men before that moment, but once Manfred unleashed over her his supernatural presence she fell under his spell quickly and they became lovers. That lasted for a couple more years, in those years Manfred started even getting pushed by Miranda, her skills had gotten so high he had to rely more and more on his vampiric gifts to overpower her, that only served to push her even further, he was starting to become afraid she might not have a ceiling.   Things changed when her father died, Miranda had no idea as to why, he only died in his bed one night, his wife said he was suffering from a health condition for a while now but didn't want to tell anyone so they wouldn't worry. The loss of her father was devastating to Miranda, he was her whole world and now he was gone, Manfred saw the fire in the girl die down, it had been good while it lasted but now he abandoned her without a second thought. Left alone, abandoned by those dearest to her and in a place where everyone else hated her Miranda decided to pack her things and flee. She made her away to Batria, on the way there she was attacked by bandits, she was extremely nervous as she drew her sword, but as the first bandit swang in her direction she saw that his attack was sluggish and unrefined, she could see it clearly and her body was acting before she even knew what was happening, the four bandits that attacked her were dead, four precise and deadly strikes were all it took to take them down. She was surprised at how easy that was, she noticed for the first time in her life that she was not bad with a sword.   When she arrived in Batria she quickly found an underground dueling ring, she hoped to pit herself against the best duelists the city had to offer, but she was disappointed, she was able to beat them all easily and was swiftly quicked from the fighting ring, they reasoned she must have been cheating. Miranda kept moving around the empire, she would engage in duels for money and sometimes do illegal activities, in one such town she met a cute farm girl and fell in love, they shared many passionate nights together, but eventually, her parents found out what was going on and put their daughter in a convent of Esaril. Miranda was outraged, she joined the convent as well and waited, when one of the older sisters died, she grabbed her body and brought it to her lover's room, after that she put the convent on fire and fleed alongside her. They lived together for a year, but eventually, this life grew tiresome for the farmer's daughter, she left Miranda and went back to her parents, who up to now, though she was dead.   This escapade was the last straw when the story reached the authorities a prize was put on her head, she was delighted at the renewed attention, now she had no shortage of duelists to fight against, she spent two years fleeing from the law, killing and maiming many of the so-called bounty hunters that came after her, it got to a point where the emperor himself was amused with her story, he invited her to come back to Batria where she would receive a full pardon. She was getting tired of fleeing from every shadow, so she decided to accept his offer. To her surprise and perhaps the surprise of half the court, the emperor had every intention of keeping his word, he gave her a position as a personal bodyguard and introduced her to the high society of Batria. In the first ball Miranda attended, she flirted hard with one of the lady's there, that not only was completely inappropriate but also drew the ire of three noblemen that were fighting for the attention of the same lady, they challenged her to a duel to protect their honor. Miranda was unimpressed, she accepted their duel and killed two of them and gravely wounded the other, after that she went back to the ball and danced with her lady for the whole night, and after leaving the lady in her house, she sneaked in through the window and they spent a passionate night together.   Miranda knew that was the end of her life in Batria, duels were illegal after all, and she had also killed two of the nobles, neither their families or the emperor would take that lightly, so she packed her things and went back to Gothenberg hoping to fade away to obscurity on its alps. Once there she had an unexpected meeting, Manfred visited her on the tavern she was staying at. He had waited many years for this, he regretted letting her go every day of his unlife, he wasted no time with words, he lunged at her with unnatural speed and strength, the proud and skillful Miranda was taken down easily by him, he pinned her to the floor and kissed her neck, his powerful fangs penetrating her skin and drawing her blood, despite the horror of the situation she lost herself in the pleasure of the red kiss and soon was taken away by darkness.   She was a slave to Manfred now, but that did not last long, the vampires had a code, a hierarchy and Manfred had no permission to do what he just did, and his master was on her way to deal with his little transgression. Aelfwyn found Manfred on his mansion, Manfred was not sure if he could take her, but maybe with Miranda at his side he could, they launched a coordinated strike against Aelfwyn, Miranda having been trained by Manfred knew exactly how to fight alongside him effectively, but despite their efforts they could not pass Aelfwyn guard, that's when Miranda launched a fast and unorthodox attack, Aelfwyn was taken by surprise at the speed and angle of the attack, all she could do was tilt her head to the side, she received a nasty wound to her head for her troubles, but that was better than losing her head. Manfred smiled, he moved fast towards his master hoping to finish the job while she was staggered, he saw her grey eyes becoming bright red, that's when he knew he had fucked up, she had not even started fighting seriously yet, she vanished and he felt a sharp pain in his neck followed by the room that started spinning, only when his head hit the floor and he saw his body slowly turning to dust he understood what had just happened.   Miranda had not even seemed the small woman move, she just vanished and Manfred lost his head, but now that he was dead... She no longer felt the connection that was moving her to help him, she dropped her weapon and finally realized what she had lost, she cried but to her surprise, her tears were made of blood. Aelfwyn had come with the intention of destroying them both, but she still felt the hot blood where she had been cut by Miranda, also she seemed to have no attachments to Manfred. She could still be useful to her. Aelfwyn took Miranda to Alaria, there she served Aelfwyn as an enforcer. It took decades but with Miranda's help, Aelfwyn took over the kingdom of Alaria from behind the scenes, after she had taken every little part of the Alarian government, she killed the king of Alaria and set his own puppet in his place. That sparked a war with the Empire of Noramadia, she knew that was a possibility, but she didn't think it would get to that point, it matters little, once she crushes the empire under her heel she will take over the empire as well.   Miranda was sent back to her home in Gothenberg, she took over her father lands from behind the scenes, now a dark cloud hangs over the Gothenberg castle, it is blocking the sun in the capital and making life unpleasant for its citizens. From that position of power Miranda is supporting her master, she is trying to cause as much disruption as she can on the internal supply lines of the empire as well as disrupt the flow of imperial trade, that will weaken the imperial war effort, also if they put enough of a strain on the coffers of the empire they will have no choice but to tax their people heavily, which would lead to a rebellion that would weaken the empire even further, or sue for peace, either way Alaria would benefit.




Despite being a bastard Miranda received the regular education of a noble, plus her early interest on fencing got her to be trained by one of the best duelists of the land, which just so happened to also be a vampire.


She is the dark countess of Gothenberg, but few know that she is the real power over the county. She is also a servant to her vampire master Aelfwyn, she carries out her will and all her attempts at rebelling against her met with failure.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She at one point was considered the best duelist in the Empire of Noramadia, she was also one of its most notorious wanted criminals, stories of her deeds are told to this day, her vanishing from the public eye only spinning a bunch of nonsense about the possible endings she might have had.

Intellectual Characteristics

Even in undeath she still retains her fiery personality, although this is now buried deep within her dead heart. Even so, she is quick to anger and once something caught her attention she has a hard time letting it go. Otherwise, she acts as a calm and collected noble lady, as she was taught to do, always hiding what she is really feeling.

Morality & Philosophy

She learned early that the world won't give anything to anyone, she had to fight hard to get all she had and the world fought just as hard to take it from her, she kills all that threaten her, but laws make this chaotic world more predictable, even though its a pain following them she still does it, doesn't mean she doesn't bend the hell out of them.

Personality Characteristics


She seeks to free herself from Aelfwyn, in truth she would like to have the life that was denied to her back, but since that is no longer a possibility she intends to enjoy her unlife for as long as possible.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is a true master with a saber, her outstanding skill as a mortal being enhanced to superhuman levels due to her vampiric abilities, she is also a competent seductress and manipulator, and her skill in dance puts the mortal masters of the art to shame.   She has few flaws, her century of unlife being more than enough time for her to plug any weakness in her skill set, but she always had an interest in art, she tried to learn how to paint but it seems her dead heart is incapable of creativity, she just cant seem to make a good painting to save her unlife.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves fighting, loves dancing and hunting, she is glad to be back in Gothenberg and spends many of her days on the alps she so loved as a child. She does not eat but has a particular preference for blood young women.   She hates Aelfwyn, hates Manfred and every other vampire she ever met, they all turned out to be deceitful monsters ready to sell their own mothers for power. She hates her own condition that deprived her of the warmth of the world, but above all, she hates people that remind her of herself when she was still alive. She also dislikes the blood of man and that of old people.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is strong, patient and immortal.

Vices & Personality flaws

She sometimes has great fits of rage that leave a lot of death and destruction in her wake, she also has developed a nasty habit of dominating other people and she takes great pleasure in imposing her will over others.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
514 542 28 years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Now that's what I call edgy!"

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