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Sigrid Goldenwing

Holy Crusader Sigrid Goldenwing

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sigrid was born long ago in the Holy World of Ardrada, home of the seraphim race. She grew quickly and was nurtured by her parents and the community in which she was born, as is the seraphim custom. But, like many young seraphim, Sigrid grew frustrated with her lot in life. Her race is immortal and their leaders are older than the world of Ardrada itself, they were born untold eons ago in the world of Valarien and survived the first War in Heaven to eventually build their own world and abandon the old one. As such, despite her considerable age, when compared to a human, Sigrid is seen as little more than a toddler whose opinions are totally discarded as foolish or just rebellious youth. Tired of not having a voice, Sigrid turned her eyes to the old world.   Traveling from Ardrada to Valarien is only permitted to the Protectors and their crusaders, as such Sigrid enrolled herself in a military academy. The idea that she would finally be able to escape from Ardrada fuelled her in her studies and she passed all her tests with flying colors. Still, her rebellious spirit never left her, discipline is already required in normal seraphim society, in the military, double so. Sigrid was almost expelled from the academy on numerous occasions, chiefly among her offenses was disobeying orders during exercises, she would usually stray from military convention in order to use tactics more suited for the situation, which earned her no end of scorn and made her be passed over for promotion on a number of occasions.   Still, Sigrid somehow managed to avoid being expelled for long enough to become a Holy Crusader. Her resume was incredible and she was known to be a talented young crusader who could really make a difference on the frontlines. Still, her rebellious streak did not inspire confidence in her superiors and so she was assigned to guard duty in Batria. After all her efforts to escape the monotony of Ardrada, Sigrid was assigned as far away from the action as possible, she was livid and has tried everything in order to be re-assigned to any of the Empire's frontlines, but as of yet, she is still serving in the Royal Guard of the Emperor.




Sigrid was educated by some of the greatest minds in Ardrada. She even managed to get a couple of lessons in combat from Asariel, one of the Protectors, a veteran who fought on the front lines of both of the wars in heaven, and the leader of the Holy Crusade. Sigrid is highly skilled in combat and her Goldenwing heritage gives her some control over the element of fire, which she can use for offense, defense, and even for healing. Still, perhaps her best attribute is her sharp mind and her eye for tactical opportunities, which was the chief reason behind her managing to stay in the military academy long enough to graduate.


Sigrid works as a member of the Royal Guard of the Emperor. The Royal Guard is formed exclusively by seraphim that have served the Holy Crusade for centuries and most of its members resent Sigrid for being assigned to it at such an early stage. Sigrid doesn't mind though, she knows that to be part of the Royal Guard is supposed to be a great honor, but she couldn't care less for standing around all day long on the off chance someone will try to kill the Emperor.

Morality & Philosophy

Sigrid has a good heart and she believes in hunting down evil and destroying it with no mercy. Even so, she understands that as a Holy Crusader, she needs to get herself dirty in order to properly root out evil. That mentality is the chief reason why she has gotten into so many arguments with her superiors. She is not above lying, breaking laws, and deceiving her enemies in order to secure victory. Other Seraphims may despise her for it, but her results speak for themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Above all else, Sigrid wants respect. She is tired of being considered a child going over a rebellious period by every other seraphim. She wants to prove to them that she is already worthy of being heard. Most of all, Sigrid has a need to fight. She wants more than anything to take the fight to the ancestral enemy of her people, who to this day still threaten the old world and the children that the seraphim created long ago.

Likes & Dislikes

Sigrid loves fighting against evil of any kind, she is particularly fond of fighting demons and the monsters of Valarien. As fiery on the bed as she is on the battlefield, Sigrid loves to have sex, especially with mortals who share the same passion for it as her.   She hates people that are so obsessed with rules that they let it impair their effectiveness, all is fair in love and war. She dislikes having her ideas dismissed without thought and hates staying idle. She also hates that the Holy Crusade has sidelined her. She has a distaste for the alcohol of the Empire, which she finds too strong and bitter for her taste.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Holy Crusader
Year of Birth
567 195 Years old
Current Residence

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