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Valerie Eichmann

Novice Valerie Eichmann (a.k.a. Flamesong)

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valerie was born in a small village in the middle of nowhere in Noramadia, the only thing the village had going for itself was a small lake that attracted plenty of animals and had plenty of fish. In the past, the small village was a mining town, but with the depletion of the mine most people left and only a handfull stayed behind. Valeria grew up in this environment, she knew almost nothing of the outside world, she was taught from an early age how to survive on her own.   While the village had little to offer, the population was steadily increasing, the promises of a simple life away from all the craziness of the world were too tempting to some. In this new and revitalized economy Valeria saw an opportunity, she started selling pottery to the people. She had always loved to work the clay into many forms, those were more an artistic pursuit for her and a hobby, but now she was turning it into a profession. One thing she found out she could do was heat the clay when she sang, she did not know why this happened, and her family asked her to keep this a secret, but using that skill she could mold the clay expertly, and there was great demand for her work, both as utility items and as works of art. She eventually started working with other kinds of materials, becoming a master with gems and stone as well.   The good times did not last forever though, when she was a teen she had her first love. They eventually made love, but as she reached her climax flames erupted all around them, she was startled by the fact that the flames did not hurt her, but her lover was severely burned by the experience, the flames quickly spread and soon her entire house was in flames. She was deeply scarred by the events, but her lover protected her, and the whole village came together to help rebuild the house. That crisis was averted but she now lived in fear of the power that was hidden inside of her. She continued working, but despite his advances, she constantly rejected her lover, fearing for his safety, she grew cold and distant being afraid of getting near other people, she found that controlling her fire was growing harder and harder by the day, sometimes she would venture into the woods and let it all release from her, after that she found she could control the flames better.   Years later she was returning from a trip to a nearby village, she had gone there to sell one of her statues, as she neared the village she quickly noticed something was wrong, villagers were feeing from the village, she asked what was going on and found out that they were under attack by orcs. She quickly ran to the village, bow in hand. She killed three of the orcs before they even know she was there. Then one of them threw a javelin in her direction, it missed, but she could feel her heart beating faster now, she saw that the bow in her hand was already in flames, as was the ground around her. She cursed but bringing all her concentration to bear she released her fire in small bursts in the direction of the orcs. She burned many of them, but a loud noise behind her alarmed her, she turned to find a huge black orc coming towards her with a big battle axe, but before he had time to swing she screamed in fear. Flames erupted all around Valerie, they exploded in all directions at the same time, the black orc was engulfed in a raging inferno, his screams pierced Valerie's soul, she could hear more screams all around her, she rose to her feet terrified, she looked around, everything near her was on fire, many houses were now burning, and all around her she could see villagers that were fighting against the orcs burning alongside them.   She ran, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, she noticed she was crying but was annoyed by the fact that her heat was turning her tears to steam and blurring her vision, she reached her own house and saw to both her horror and relief that her parents had been killed, she overwhelmed with grief, but at the same time she feared she could have killed them in her inferno. The steam in front of her eyes was now almost blinding, she ran away as fast as she could, leaving the village behind to its own fate.   Valerie decided to isolate herself from the world, she lived in a small cave in the woods, working her craft and hunting for her survival. She was still overwhelmed with grief, and in the time the loneliness of her existence turned her bitter and made her start hating the world that had cursed her and taken everything from her. Eventually, it was too much for her to take, she decided to go back to civilization, she had a better control of her fire now, its was not perfect, but it was there, but most importantly she just didn't care enough anymore, she was going to take what she wanted and if people got hurt around her that was their problem. She was what she was, there was no changing that, she was not going to live in fear for the people around her. From this day forward she was going her life the way, she wanted to live it.   Her travels eventually led her to Batria where she joined the Adventurers Guild, she usually does her missions solo, her fire is more than enough to kill groups of enemies on her own, no need to share the loot if she does not need help.


Straight with a pinch of spaghetti


Valerie is a proficient sculptor, her control of fire helping her to shape the stone. She learned how to survive from her parents, and from surviving alone in the wilderness. She has some moderate control over her fire, acquired after much suffering.


Works as an adventurer for the Adventurers Guild of Batria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She killed a band of marauding orcs on her own as they attacked her village. Survived on her own in the wilderness for years. She is considered one of the best novice adventurers of the guild, as she can do even party level jobs alone.

Failures & Embarrassments

Almost killed her first lover when she reached her climax. Burned her entire village when fighting against orcs.

Mental Trauma

She burned her own village, and before that, she had burned down her own house. She isolated herself in order to not hurt more people she cared about, that isolation eventually led her to become incredibly lonely. She now feels like she suffered enough for two lifetimes, she is intent on enjoying her life to the fullest, others be damned.

Intellectual Characteristics

Visual intelligence and very emotional.

Morality & Philosophy

Once she was part of a community and she would put the good of others above her own. Now she saw that she can never depend on other people, the only thing she has is herself, the only one she can trust is herself, no one came to rescue her from her despair, no one truly cared for her, and if the world knew what she was she would only get hate from it. Now she doesn't care what the world thinks of her, let them hate her, power makes right, as long as she is powerful enough she can be whatever she wants to be. She still operates inside tradition and law, but she is now very selfish and has a little mercy to show those who are caught in her path.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to learn how to control her powers, she also longs for companionship, but she keeps pushing everyone away because she is afraid of hurting them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good at sculpting. She has limited control of the fire that comes from her, it is controlled by her emotions and can reach stone melting levels when she is pissed off. She has good survival skills and can hold her own even without the use of her fire.   Her control of fire is very limited, she is bound to lose control eventually and burn those around her. She has a hatred burning inside, born of her loneliness, it makes her stronger, but at the same time, she has difficulty connecting with people.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes fish and well-done meat, also has a preference for salty things. She has a love-hate relationship with fire, she loves to sing and that is one of the ways she can control her fire, using songs to mold her emotions in the patterns she wants them. She likes sculptures and the art of sculpting in general. She also has grown fond of meditation, feeling like its the only thing truly capable of calming her fire down.   She dislikes sweets in general, she dislikes alcohol as she is completely incapable of control when she is drunk. She dislikes people in general, in part for her hatred and in part because she is still, deep down, afraid of hurting bystanders. She hates her curse that robbed her of a normal life.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient and calculating. Quick to act when the situation presents itself. She has bouts of obsession with the last thing that caught her attention, spending lots of time on it before moving on to the next thing.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is easily angered, a few wrong words can send her on a rampage, despite her hard work her emotions still have great control over her, she tried purging herself of them but as of yet, she has not succeeded.

Wealth & Financial state

She has a good amount of wealth, as she is usually able to do small quests alone. She also sculpts as a side job and sell's her work in the markets of Batria. She has been able to buy a small house in a good area in the city, she made sure to get a stone house, it cost her more but it's also less likely she will burn it down.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
742 20 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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