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Yd'athdhra Yizithlutl (a.k.a. Yda)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yda is a cephalorian, a race of amphibian beings created during the first War in Heaven by the grand admiral Ghevhalbh. They were gifted with powerful psionics to help the ships of the Grand Armada communicate with one another, but soon they turned their psionics into a potent weapon on its own, one rivaling the magic wielded by the seraphim. With the defeat of the demons in the war, the seraphims hunted them down and forced them back to their own plane. But, the cephalorians hid themselves in the depths of the ocean. There they brooded and waited for their time to strike once more.   The cephalorians settled in small colonies to avoid detection and over the ages the elders of each colony became monstrous things. Their psionic power was so great that they could directly link their minds with every individual on their colony, supplanting their will with that of the elder. Any cephalorian strong enough to resist the elder’s control over them was quickly killed and devoured by the elder, which in turn increased the psionic powers of the elder even further.   Yda grew up in one such colony, her power just strong enough to not be completely controlled by her elder, but not enough that the elder actually noticed it. Yda knows that if her elder ever found out the truth she would be immediately killed, so she takes great care in appearing as his loyal slave. Her skill and loyalty have seen Yda joining a group of cephalorians on a mission far away from her colony. She knows she won’t have a better chance of freeing herself from the elder and the colony anytime soon and is determined to make the most of this opportunity.




Like all cephalorians, Yda had the knowledge of her race psionically implanted on her mind. She can recall events that happened many millennia ago as if she had been there and seem it with her own eyes. But, Yda fears the day when she breaks herself free from her psionic bond to the colony. She knows that it is responsible for her knowledge and she is unsure about what would happen after she broke it. So, she now dutifully scribes every little bit of knowledge she can and takes her time to commit it all to her own memory so she won't have to rely on her psionic link anymore.


Yda is gifted in the art of psionically manipulating the senses of those around her. Without changing anything about herself she can easily make every other person perceive her in any way she wants. As such she is employed as an infiltrator, whose job is to go into the cities of the world to keep the colony appraised of events transpiring on the surface. She is also often employed as an assassin for her ability to enter any place undetected.

Morality & Philosophy

Yda has been kept under the thumb of her elder for her entire life. Many would think that a slave would grow to see slavery as something abhorrent but Yda has always taken great pleasure in dominating others. While she has no desire in becoming a monstrosity like her elders and starting her own colony, she nonetheless desires to have a large contingent of mind-bound slaves worshiping her as a goddess.

Personality Characteristics


Yda hates being a slave. She hates her life of servitude with nothing for her but the crumbs that her elder is kind enough to give to her. She longs to earn her own freedom and escape her life of oppression. As soon as she breaks free, she has great plans of carving her own domain right beneath the Empire's nose.

Likes & Dislikes

Yda absolutely loves to dominate others, nothing makes her happier than seeing someone groveling at her feet and worshiping her being. Like all cephalorians she can eat anything but her favorite food is the brains of intelligent creatures. Life under the ocean is bare and devoid of any comforts, she has grown to love all the luxury available in the surface and has no desire of ever going back.   Yda hates being forced to serve others, she dislikes living in a cephalorian colony, dislikes being forced to live without luxury, and has a great distaste for the cooked cuisine of the surface.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Drone, Infiltrator, Assassin
Year of Birth
700 62 Years old
Current Residence

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