Applied Sciences, Inc. Organization in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Applied Sciences, Inc.

Basic Info/Wares: Gnomish gadgetry Description: This newly-built brick building stands in front of a sprawling backlot filled with forges, workshops, and junked devices, though all are part of the same company. Proprietor(s): The gnomish duo Henryk Smythe and Dominic Weston Details: The owners entered a partnership a few years back in order to concentrate on their work—things that go boom. Both are chemists, blacksmiths, and engineers, and spend much more time in The Yard tinkering than they do in the office building out front. The team sells gnome-made gadgetry such as parachutes, inflatable decoy soldiers, automated lockpicks, and instant coffee machines, but their passion is for gunpowder and firearms. Their biggest seller remains the humble hand grenade, but their unique firearms are beginning to get attention from adventurers. It’s just as well, since the flamethrower project has been put on hold until they can convince the city council to overturn their injunction following last year’s fire.
Corporation, Research & Development


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