Dawn War Pantheon Organization in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Dawn War Pantheon

The Dawn War Deities At the beginning of time, the universe was divided into the Elemental Chaos and the Astral Sea, with the world sitting between at the center of the universe. The gods were the original inhabitants of the astral realm when the world was newly created by the primordials from the untamed Elemental Chaos. The shared mythology of D&D talks of the Dawn War, a war between the primordials and the gods. The gods fought to stop the primordials from destroying the world. The gods united against the primordials and were able to gain a narrow victory. The primordials were imprisoned, but the threat they present remains.
Good Deities Avandra (CG/Trickery): Goddess of change, luck, trade, and travel. Three stacked wavy lines. Bahamut (LG/Life, War): Dragon god of justice, protection, nobility, and honor. Dragon’s head in profile. Corellon (CG/Light): God of arcane magic, spring, beauty and the arts, revered primarily by elves. Starburst. Moradin (LG/Knowledge, War): God of creation, artisans, and family, revered primarily by dwarves. Anvil. Pelor (NG/Life, Light): God of the sun, summer, agriculture and time. Circle with six outwardly radiating points Sehanine (CG/Trickery): Goddess of trickery, love, moon, and autumn, revered by elves. Crescent moon
  Neutral Deities Erathis (LN/Knowledge): Goddess of civilization and invention. Upper half of a clockwork gear. Ioun (N/Knowledge): Goddess of knowledge, skill, and prophecy, revered primarily by scholars and magic-users. Crook shaped like a stylized eye. Kord (CN/ Tempest): God of the storm, strength, and battle, revered by warriors. Sword with a lightning bolt cross guard. Melora (N/Nature, Tempest): Goddess of the wilderness and the sea. Seashell with a wavelike swirl. The Raven Queen (LN/ Death, Life): Goddess of death, fate, and winter. Raven’s head in profile
Evil Deities Asmodeus (LE/ Trickery): King of the Nine Hells and god of power, domination, and tyranny. Three triangles in tight formation. Bane (LE/ War): God of war and conquest. Claw with three talons pointing down. Gruumsh (CE/ Tempest, War): God of destruction, revered by orcs. Unblinking triangular eye with bony protrusions. Lolth (CE/ Trickery): Goddess of shadows, lies, and spiders, revered by the drow. Eight-pointed star with a web motif; spider. Tharizdun (CE/Trickery): Creator of the Abyss and god of annihilation and madness. Spiral. Tiamat (LE/ Trickery, War): Dragon goddess of wealth, greed, and vengeance. Five clawed star Torog (NE/Death): God of the Underdark and imprisonment. T attached to a circular shackle Vecna (NE/Death, Knowledge): God of undead, necromancy, and secrets. Partially shattered one-eyed skull Zehir (CE/ Trickery, Death): God of darkness, poison, and assassins revered by snakefolk. Snake in the shape of a dagger.
Religious, Pantheon


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