Thysserin Organization in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Originally a small settlement, Thysserin has grown into a large city-state which supports several outlying settlements.

Thysserin is a semi-direct democracy; the Thysserin City Council handles the daily governance, while the citizenry directly controls the government and laws through binding referendum, popular initiative, revocation of mandate, and public consultations.

Thysserin Hill has been continuously inhabited since before the end of the Age of Elves. The original settlement began as a small outpost surrounded by a wooden palisade, built on the highlands along the Nimressea River, a tributary of the Vinyamar River.

As the outpost grew, it was later expanded into the Tarsellis Bastion during the Age of Dwarves and the original wooden palisade was replaced with a larger grown-wood wall that encircled the larger footprint of the settlement. This grown-wood wall now marks the extent of Thysserin's Old Town Parish.

Eventually, the city expanded outside its walls again and now extended past the highlands and into the surrounding grasslands and forest, drawing attention and heightening outside threats. This necessitated the creation of a permanent Prismatic Wall which encircled an even larger area.

The city-state is surrounded by extensive grasslands, highlands, and forest; the rich natural resources of the area allow Thysserin to remain largely self-sufficient and politically independent. Thysserin is now a major mercantile and trading center in the region, attracting visitors and merchant from across the continent. Thysserin is dedicated to military neutrality, and as such maintains no standing armed forces; however, the Thysserin Guardians act as law enforcement for the region and deal with banditry and other dire threats when the need arises.
Geopolitical, City-state


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