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Don Juan Martinez Escuedero

Early Life

  The oldest memories of Don Juan reach his early childhood, those are the memories of pain, loneliness, hunger, darkness and fear. He and other children of his age were captive and held for experiments by cultists, all in the name of el Sabkah, the Dark King. He was called John back then, it was not his real name, but cultists did not care. He hated that name equally as he hated all people who hurt him.   One memory that he can recall was a memory of an Angel, an elven woman who came during the night and set them free, he did not care that her weapon was covered in blood for John and the other children she was an Angel, thanks to her, he was able to see stars for the first time in many months. After a long and exhausting escape, that brought death to many children that were captured, John and three other kids were finally safe. He remember also another memory, a day when he got his name, Fimraelle, the Hal-Elven woman that saved them, called him John as everyone always did, but he snapped at her, he told her with anger that this is not his name but when she ask what was his real name he could not answer, he did not remember it. Fimraelle hugged him and said "Maybe Juan then?" and then she laughed "In the book, I read there was a hero that had this name, Don Juan Martinez Escuedero", the boy started crying and hugged Fimraelle, "That is my name, he said, thank you". It took some time before everyone got used to his name but he cherish that name to the end of his life.   Fimraelle started training the three children, she wanted them to be able to take care of themselves, Don Juan, Jullie and Avos, three orphans that were now family. Years have passed Fimraelle started to join adventurers to earn some money while the three of them stayed at home. At one point an adventurer Dogan Nannil started to live with them, he was spending his time with Fimraelle and sometimes even training Don Juan and Avos. Fimraelle has become pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy Bemrill, not soon after the past has caught up with them.   The Cult was hunting for Fimraelle, not for children but Fimraelle, it turned out that she was a daughter of Mordred el Sabkah, and he wanted her back for some ritual. Flames and screen that what doon remember, Dogan and Fimraelle were fighting Cultists as Don Juan, Jullie, and Avos took newborn Bemrill and run, but Don Juan and Avos did not want to leave her master behind and they come back. They saw dead Dogan, wounded Fimraelle and pale looking man, and they jumped out. Avos died instantly from the mighty swing of the sword when Fimraelle saw that she leapt toward the man, he stabbed cut her back but that was a moment Don Juan needed, he close his eyes and rushed forward, he stopped when his dagger hit something. When he opened his eyes he notice the gaze of the man, he looked surprised. A dagger was sticking out of his lower back, just in middle, enough to sever nerves in the spine. Don Juan tried to take Fimraelle, but she hugged him and said "Just... take care of my family... Juan... I love you all..." he watch as life left her face and cried, something grabbed his ankle, it was Mordred still alive and full of hate and anger, Don Juan kicked him in the face and run, the man was left in burning forest for his death or that what Don Juan was hoping for.   Don Juan has found Jullie and Bremill and they run yet again, as far as they could.  


  Don Juan, Jullie and Bremill started to live on the coast, in a region called "The Jewels Cities". It was a group of independent cities named after a Jewell, each city had its government, but they all created a council that protected trade routes and their independence. It was a good region to stay low and that is what they needed right now. They found an abandoned house and started living there. Don Juan was doing small jobs as a helper for adventurers and Jullie stayed home taking care of Bremill. Time has passed and Bremill reach his teen years, Don Juan was giving him fighting lessons and they were pretending to be family. Don Juan and Jullie developed feelings between them but then Jullie become Ill during one of the long winters, she passed away a few weeks later leaving Don Juan and Bremill alone.   Don Juan for the last few years was investigating the Coult from the shadow, he learned a few things and keep them hidden in his notes. But whenever he left he was taking Bremill with him, as there was no one at home to keep him safe, but Bremill was a very talented teenager, he quickly got used to the adventuring lifestyle and embraced it. They made a name for themselves, they even fought a dragon at one point. But nothing stays the same forever, Bremill wanted to split from Don Juan, he wanted more and Don Juan did not want to restrain him. They separated but Don Juan kept tabs on Bremill, he observed the fall of his master son as he become a fearsome Bandit Leader, earning tittle a Warrior of Blood. Don Juan only knows one thing how to stop him, he decided to destroy what Bremill has to build. Bremill was wounded during the battle with Don Juan but managed to escape, he was found by a Noble lady Nailanne Ven, she saved him and he felt compelled to repay her and become her bodyguard. With time they fall in Love, and she gave birth to a child. But for Noble to have a child with Commoner was a dishonour, she has been disinherited from family and they both started living in the house where Don Juan, Jullie and Bremill used to live. Don Juan never come back to Bremill as he did not wish to cause an unnecessary fight, but he visited Jullie's grave from time to time, and at the one point they meet, they were unable to speak and they turned away without a word. That was the last time Don Juan saw Bremill or his family, but he did not stop protecting them, he was still keeping tabs on the Cult that killed Bremill's mother.  

Life as Teacher

  Many adventures of Don Juan Martinez Escuedero brought him fame and respect to the point that many Nobles asked him to become a teacher for their children, one that Don Juan came to much liken was a young noble boy Tiberius Gwentith from small-town Tref Gwentith in Teyrnas Carfigen, a small kingdom in Southern part of Valen'esten. Young Tiberius surprised Don Juan with his tactical approach to each encounter, he enjoyed teaching the young boy. Soon after an unusual request came from Lord of Tref Gwentith, Tiberius father Lord Cornelius, he requested that Don Juan take another pupil, a young elven girl, the daughter of one of Lord Cornelius maids. It was an unusual request as in Teyrnas Carfigen Elves were treated very poorly, Don Juan did not share those feelings as his mentor was in fact Half-Elf, he gladly took young Aluna under his wings. Years passed and two pupils grow up to the point where they were recruited to Grey Watch, a United Army of surrounding Kingdoms that goal was to protect the region from Orcs raids from the Desert of Nightmares.   That was the last adventure Don Juan planned, he wished to remain in his small mansion near the coast, but news of grim events that happened in Teyrnas Carfigen changed his plans...  

One last adventure...

  News of Tiberius and Aluna being involved in the assassination of the King forced Don Juan to travel there once more, he refused to believe in those rumours. But reality struck the Old Don Juan like arrow, young Aluna has been executed, Tiberius fate was an unknown and the entire town of Tref Gwentith was massacred and now swarming with Undead, only thing that Don Juan could do is learn the truth.     A mysterious letter addressed to Tiberius brought hope to his heart and pointed toward the culprit of the assassination, the new king King Severas Carfigen. Don Juan meets a few promising young kids that caught his attention, including a descendant of his master, young Cosmo, Grandson of Bremill. Don Juan wished to teach young adventurers as much as he could, even give one with the amnesia a peace of mind, by taking worries off his mind and calling him his new squire. He also meet a young woman, Lailah, who reminded him of his only love Jullie, of course, he never intended anything with her, but her companion gave him a small peace of mind and brought good memories from his past.   Unfortunately, Don Juan did not survive the trip to Tref Madarch, he was slain by Knight wearing Black Armor, but his companion managed to escape, that is what mattered to him at this very point and his last retreat that he won't be able to see his pupil again...
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: Nearly 90
Status: Dead
1447 1546
Parents (Adopting)

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