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Basic Rules

The following rules are what I call the basic rules. These rules range from player conduct at the table to some basic mechanics that will be used in game.
1. Respect everyone.
2. If a rule is uncertain, I, the DM, will make a ruling in that moment. Afterwards when I have the time I will look up the rule and implement it correctly thereafter. There will be no debating at the table during session, since this will disrupt the flow of game.
3. When leveling up you roll for HP. On a 1 or 2 you can reroll de dice once, you have to use the new number for your HP. If the die roll is below the average HP roll for you class, you instead gain the average HP for your class. Example: your class uses a 1d8 for HP. The average is 5. You roll a 2 and reroll and get a 4, you instead use the average which is 5 to add to your current HP.
4. Inspiration can be gained through roleplaying. This means by playing your Flaws, Bonds, Ideals or Personality. Inspiration can't stack. As a player you can also give your inspiration point to another player character if you feel they have done something amazing in character.
5. Use encumbrance.
6. Keep track of food, water, components for spells and arrows.
7. Multiclassing is allowed, but only up to 3 different classes provided you have the required prerequisites.
8. UA content is only allowed after discussing it with the DM.
9. Creating a new spell / item is a possibility. Work together with the DM.
10. Health potions give full health.

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