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Ditra is the area that can be found in the South of Hjálmarr. It is a mediterranean environment where the different city states have learned to live and work together for their prosperity. The people from the different city states are open and welcoming to outsiders. However, there is one thorn in the eyes of the city states, which is the pirate base of Shipwreck Cove, where the pirates raid and plunder out of. The Ditrans have amassed a giant fleet of vessels to try and combat these pirates, though it is something that they would rather keep quiet to keep up appearances.


Ditran culture celebrates the arts and beauty above all else. Under this falls theater, music, poems and much more. They are very welcoming to outsiders and eager to learn about different cultures and more importantly their stories. It is very common for everything to be written down in Ditran society to share with the later generations. To outsiders their obsession with beauty sometimes feels strange, but it can be seen in everything around the city states. From the people to the clothing to the architecture. Ditran fashion is one of the most expensive and beautiful things on Valerouros.

Public Agenda

Ditrans want to thrive, like any other culture. They see the arts as something that is timeless and will make them be remembered for times to come. It is also a way of honoring and remembering the past. Their motivation is to keep their society open for trade and life to the other nations of Valerouros.


Ditra is comprised of several city states, each with their own history, that work together for a common goal, wealth and prosperity. In older times these city states would wager open war on each other to be the more powerful city. This is a struggle that is still happening, but much more behind the scenes. The Marquis that control the city states try to make their city the most beautiful and exciting to get more foreign traffic. It is a silent competition in which all city states participate and try to beat the other city states.


Ditran society has two types of military, the one on land and the one for the sea. Their sea military is one of the biggest on Valerouros. The Ditrans are at war with the pirates of Shipwreck Cove.


There is no one official religion in Ditra since it is a hub for people from all over Valerouros. All the Gods are accepted here under the premise that religion is practiced in privacy. You will also find a lot of non-believers in Ditra.


Ditran infrastructure looks beautiful. The houses are built out of a smooth white stone. Touches of color can be found all over the cities in the form of strong colored flowers, tiles and mozaics that adorn the houses, streets, stairs and other buildings.

Pulchritudo Artium

Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Each city state has its own rules and laws, though together they have agreed upon several laws that are used in each of the city states.

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