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Find Familiar

Familiars are a physical representation of the caster's soul. The ritual to gain a familiar is not undertaken easily and has some requirements that need to be met.
  • The spell find familiar must be known
  • In addition to the cost of the materials needed for this spell, chalk, incense (air), candle (fire), bowl containing purified water (water) a pile of fresh dirt and four extra bowls, all of which needs to have a worth of at least 10gp, the caster needs to find three different ingredients: a patch of fur, a feather and a piece of scales. These can be from any animals with the beast property and must have been collected by the caster.
Once all the ingredients have been collected, the caster needs to set up the ritual. If the caster has started the ritual and is interrupted the ritual will have failed and the three ingredients will have been used up.

The Ritual

  The caster needs to draw a septagram on the ground using chalk, each point represents a day of the week. Then the caster dwars four more circles, each on the four directions of the wind, north, south, east and west. These bowls are filled up with their respective element. North is earth, south is fire, east is air, west is water. After the circle has been drawn the caster takes their place in the middle of the circle and places the remaining three empty bowls next to each other on the floor in front of them. As the caster chants: "Fructum mea spiritus animalis" repeatedly the caster adds the fur, feather and scales into a seperate bowl. Lastly, whilst still chanting, the caster draws a bit of their own blood using their athame and lets some drops fall on top each of the three ingredients whilst still chanting. The caster then closes their eyes and will fall into a translike state. In this state the caster will have to go through a couple of trials, each very personal. At the end an animal will spring forth from the chest of the caster.

Death of a familiar

  The death of a familiar is very painful for the caster, since it is a part of your own soul that has died. Once the familiar has died the ritual has to be redone, the ingredients collected again, however that particular familiar will never be able to return to you. For this very reason most casters protect their familiars fiercely.

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