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Nations of Valerouros

Valerouros is home to several nations which include countries, kingdoms, empires and dynasties and much more. The following information will give you some insight into the mindset off the countries and regions that you can find on Valerouros.
To start off with Valerouros has three major continents and two smaller continents which exist of islands. The three major continents are Hjálmarr, Creil Drua and Quadrary. You then have the UFRAX Isles and the Scattered Isles.


Miskunnheimr is located on the continent of Hjálmarr. Miskunnheimr is a society that is comparible to old Viking society. They work with the same caste system and code of honor. In Miskunnheimr Dwarves, Humans, Goliaths, Gnomes and Halflings work, live and thrive with each other. The far north of Miskunnheimr is frozen wastes and the warm days are few, but going to the south the cold wastes make way for beautiful, lush and big forests as far as the eyes can see. The Miskunn believe in working together with the land, since they profit highly off of it.


Toreithel is where the Elves hail from. It is a vast woodland nation that houses not just Elves, but many fey creatures alike. It is said that it is as if a little bit of the Feywild has spilled onto the Material Plane. They are in between Miskunnheimr and Ditra, both of which the Quelinesti have good relationships with.


Ditra is the sunny south of Hjálmarr and a hub for all the races. Though, primarily the Dragonborn originated here. Ditra values the arts, in all its forms, beauty and kindness.

Supis Empire

The Supis Empire is located across the ocean from Hjálmarr on the continent of Creil Drua, on the right side. The Empire is cut off from the rest of Creil Drua via The Merciless Mountains and the desert known as the Ash Lands. The Supis Empire is led by the Ghast Queen, an undead tyrant who rules with an iron fist. Her goal is to have complete dominion over Valerouros, but especially Miskunnheimr is being a thorn in her eye. Because of this she has created the Symic Combine to aid her in her future war efforts.

Redal Dynasty

The Redal Dynasty exists of one metropolis sized city which is ruled by a Tiefling emperor whose family has been ruling for over a millenium. Under the current family the Redal Dynasty has made enormous strides in the technological department. This technology they now share with their allies to stop the encroachment of the Supis Empire.


Queclana is a nation of Shifters and Changelings who have found each other when the world still saw them as bad and shunned them. Ever since then they have remained on their side of the world and have grown to be trustworthy allies. They are a bit more reluctant than the other nations to use the technology from the Redal Dynasty. Not because they do not trust them, they are actually very close allies with the Redal Dynasty due to their shared history of being outcasts, but due to the fact that they like to keep things more natural and magical. Thanks to this they have been experimenting with the technology from the Redal Dynasty and have been able to transform it to fit magical means better.

Ezinate Kingdom

The Ezinate Kingdom, much like the Redal Dynasty, consists of one metropolis sized city, which is surrounded by the farm fields. The Ezinate Kingdom is, territorywise, a small Kingdom which has lost most of its former glory. The current King is scared of the encroaching Supis Empire, but seems to be failing to act accordingly. The Ezinate Kingdom consists mostly of Humans and Half-Elves, though Tieflings, Changelings, Shifters, Dwarves and other races are also welcome and do reside within the city limits.

Yegon Kingdom

The Yegon Kingdom has always been a kingdom that prefered peace over war, though this is in stark contrast to their history. They as well see the encroaching darkness that is the Supis Empire and they have gladly taken advantage of the hospitality of the Redal Dynasty and the amazing weapons that come from Miskunnheimr. Their motto, however, is the best offence is a good defense. Though they have the technology and the know-how, the Yegon Kingdom mostly focuses on defending themselves and trying to scare of any potential hostile invaders by showing their great might.

Lotus Marshes

To the South of the Yegon Kingdom are the Lotus Marshes. This is a place shrouded in mystery and not many dare to traverse here. Besides there being all kinds of dangerous creatures, a peculiar magic also surrounds the place that makes it even more unwelcoming.

The Scattered Isles

Off of the coast of the Supis Empire you will find the Scattered Isles. These islands thank their name due to the fact that they are scattered not far from the coast. These islands are covered in wilderness and jungle and it is rumored that Dragons and Lizardfolk own them.


Between Hjálmarr and Creil Drua you can find the UFRAX Isles, named after the first letters of the islands. Usmoice, Rashi, Ashye and Xapleystan form the Aftokratorián Empire. A society that is based upon the Greek Pantheon. Usmoice, Rashi and Ashye are inhabited by mostly Tieflings, Tabaxi, Tortles, Satyrs and Humans. Xapleystan hasn't been settled yet, but not for lack of trying. For some reason no settlers ever return from that island. It is rumored that the God Pan, who did not join the other Gods during the Act of Concealment and decided to stay on the Material Plane, resides there. The last of the UFRAX Isles is Flaoles. An island that is basically one big forest with an dorment volcano in the middle of it. It is rumored that a tribe of Amazones protects the island from outsiders.


Quadrary is the place for former outsiders, races that are even worse frowned upon than Changelings, Tieflings and Shifters were. This is the home of the Drow, Minotaus, Dark Dwarves, Deep Gnomes, (Half-)Orcs, (Hob-)Goblins and Bugbears. The Drow Queen rules over the lands of Quadrary from the capital city of Elysia, the city where it is always night. Quadrary is a place where all of these races can, and do, live together in peace.

Other Regions

There are two more regions on Valerouros, but not much is known about them. You have the Insulam Serpentibus, which is off of the coast of Quadrary. It is rumoured that snake people live there, which is why the name of the island literally translates to island of snakes. And then you have the Serpent Isles, which thanks its name solely to the fact that the scattered islands look to be in the form of a snake. The Serpent Isles can be found between Ditra and Quadrary, but it is a route that most seafarers avoid. The sea there is called the Boisterous Waters for a reason. Many storms and whirlpools have cost many a ship and its crew their lives.

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