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Playable Races

You can find many different races on Valerouros, meaning that you as a player have a lot of choices when it comes down to creating a character within this setting. Having said that, the lore for some races have been adjusted to fit the setting of Valerouros. Below I will go over these specific races to give some more information so you can choose what race suits your character the most.


Humans are the top race found across Valerouros. Depending on where you live your physical attributes will be different. Humans from the north are fair skinned with light or red hair, whereas humans from the south are darker skinned with darker hair and darker eyes. Humans come in all shapes, sizes and colors ranging from white to very dark skinned. Depending on where you are born your outlook to other races may be different. A human from Ditra will receive any race with open arms as long as they are respected and treated kindly, whereas a human from the Ezinate Kingdom is much more closed off and wary of other races, and a human from Miskunnheimr will only respect you if you show great strength.

The Elves

Aereni Elves / Valenar Elves
The current Aereni society exists of two old factions, the Aereni and the Valenar. Though these two societies have merged together there is still a lingering sense of these former two societies. The Elves that stem from the Aereni are more introverted whereas the Elves that stem from the Valenar are more warlike. They are still ruled by the Undead Court who rule through good energy. However in Valerouros there is no different between the High Elves and the Wood Elves in Aereni society. They live together in hidden cities in the Aereni Heights. They tend to keep to themselves, protecting their borders together with the flora and fauna within them. They tend to stalk people to see what they are up to, rather than confronting them directly or head on.
High Elves Qualinesti
The Qualinesti are also High Elves, but thousands of years ago they left the caste system society of Silvanesti led by the promise of equality and social interactions. Their society is much more open and these are actually the most commonly seen Elves all across Valerouros. They like to mingle with other cultures, therefore their cities are not so much hidden. The mingling between species also results in that most Half-Elves are half High Elves.
Wood Elves
There are two types of Wood Elves on Valerouros, the Asrai and what others call the Wild Elves. The Wild Elves are remnants of the first Green Elves that lived many milleniums ago. They are highly reclusive and tend to live solitary lives in the Woods. They sport tattoos all over their body and sleep in make shift covers or caves. The Asrai are the most commonly seen Wood Elf. Though still quite reclusive and preferably alone, they do have a city in which most of them live. They do not welcome outsiders easily though and are highly distrustful towards others, even their own kin.
Most of the Drow, or Dark Elves, of Valerouros do not follow Lolth. Instead they follow the Drow Goddess Eilistraee who has been able to save them from the Underdark and bring them back onto the surface. However, they have lived in the darkness for so long that their eyes are still very sensitive when it comes to sunlight. Their capital city is therefore magically shrouded in an eternal night. These Drow live in Quadrary in the capital city of Elysia. They have good relations with the beastial races that inhabit Quadrary, but are apprehensive to outsiders. 
Pallid Elves
The Pallid Elves are a new race and have also lived in the darkness. They have been in hiding every since the Act of Concealment has happened. Not much is known about these Elves, nor do they know anything about the outside world.
Sea Elves
The Sea Elves can be found in the oceans and seas of Valerouros, where they have built societies underwater that usually don't interfere with the races found on the lands. However, more and more Sea Elves are starting to make their way unto the lands above to see how their land kin lives.
The Shadar-kai Elves can be found in the Shadowfell. These are Elves that are actually dead and don't venture into the material plane unless the Raven Queen wishes it so.

Symic Hybrid

The Symic Combine was started by the Ghast Queen, ruler of the Supis Empire, to aid her in her war efforts. For her, the Symic Combine experiments and enhances other races. (Human, Elven, Vedalken.) They do this thanks to an endless supply of volunteers, prisoners and slaves.


There are 2 centaur clans in Valerouros, one is called the Gruul whose leadership is male, the other is called Selesnya, whose leadership is female. These two clans each reside within the Toreithel realm. The Gruul have laid claim to the West lands and the Selesnya have laid claim to the East lands, so as to never needing to cross paths. The Gruul are more warlike Centaurs, build for speed and agility. They raid and ambush caravans that have the misfortune of traveling through their territory. The Selesnya are traders and craftsmen mostly. They trade with different Ditran cities or are hired as carpenters and woodworkers. In return they get food supplies, medicine and weapons if needed.


The Warforged are a new race who were originally created by the Miskunn society. It is a mixture of Dwarven craftsmanshift, with the strength and size of the Goliaths and the heart of a human put together with some excellent Gnomish engineering. These machines are solely crafted for the war that is very soon going to errupt between Miskunnheimr and the Supis Empire.


The Changelings are hunted for their abilities, either to kill them or to use them. They are the number one prey of the Supis Empire who wish to corrupt them and get them to work for them. Others fear them for this reason and shun them from their societies and cities. The only place Changelings are openly allowed is the city of Serenity. The Shifters have opened their hearth and homes to the Changelings, because of a feeling of nostalgia for their shared past. Changelings themselves are usually very kind people, but some are angry for the way they get treated. Some Changelings decide to get into an adventuring life to teach the other races of what it truly means to be a Changeling.


Goliaths have been able to assimilate very well into Miskunn society, leaving their former clans behind. They are now thriving within the different cities of Miskunnheimr or on the battlefield in the Miskunn armies. They still value strength above all else. A Goliath needs to be able to contribute to their society. Ancient traditions of ritualistic self sacrifices are still held if a Goliath has become too sick or old. Goliaths acknowledge the strength of others and don't look at what is outside, but look at what is inside. A person who is weak in their eyes will gain no respect from them.


The Dragonborn and Draconblood have lived together in Ditra for most of the time. The Draconblood like to remain within their cities, whereas the Dragonborn are more likely to venture out. They are open to outsiders though.
The Ravenites are remnants of history, thought to be extinct. They used to be slaves to the Draconblood before the Draconblood changed their ways thanks to their Dragonborn brethren. The Ravenite, however, have never forgotten the brutality and pain that they endured and harbor a great hatred towards the Draconblood. Their hatred for the Dragonborn is not as great as for the Draconblood, but they still have not forgiven the Dragonborn for so easily accepting the Draconblood and simply forgetting about the Ravenite. The Ravenite are a very virtous race and they despise injustice.

Orcs, Minotaurs, (Hob-)Goblins and Bugbears

Orcs, Minotaurs and Bugbears are actually not widely spread and can be mostly found in Quadrary. Here they live together in one city or scattered across doing whatever it is that they want. They are a harsh, but lawful, society. Hobgoblins and Goblins do get the shorter end of the stick here since a lot of their kin do still, unfortunately, follow the "old ways". But even then this is not the case for the Quadrary Goblinoids.


Mountain/Hill Dwarves
These Dwarves mostly live in Miskunnheimr. Though some travel for their own reasons.
These Dwarves can only be found in Khul Daruhm, where they have mixed with the Drow to create a very interesting society. These Dwarves usually don't venture outside of Quadrary for they know that most hate and/or fear them. They still have a silent resentment towards their long removed cousins, the Mountain and Hill Dwarves, for their continues denial of the Duergar.


Lightfoot Halfling
The Lightfoot Halflings can be mostly found throughout Ditra. Like other Halflings they are a joyous bunch and adept themselves very well to the societies they live in.
Stout Halfling
The Stout Halflings can be mostly found in Ditra, though some have ventured across the ocean to Creil Drua.
Ghostwise Halfling
The rarest of the Halflings. Most don't think they even exist and see them more as a myth. No one knows where they live if they even exist.
Lotusden Halfling
The Lotusden are also very rare. They reside within, and protect, the Lotus Marshes though no one knows where they actually live. People who have tried to find their villages have either never returned or have come back empty handed.


Rock Gnomes
Gnomes can be found in most of the bigger cities throughout Valerouros, but they have no city or kingdom of their own.
Forest Gnomes
Forest Gnomes are not often seen, but they are known to live in the woods and forests of Valerouros.
Deep Gnomes
The Deep Gnomes are mostly found in the cities of Quadrary and in the Underdark of Valerouros.


Though not many, Half-Elves of various lineages can be found anywhere across Valerouros. They fall between the Human world and Elven world, never fully fitting into either of them. A lot of Half-Elves despise one of their ancestries, but there are those that have learned to live in harmony with the two halves inside of them. 


Half-Orcs are very few and can be found in Quadrary, though some are known to have left Quadrary. They are quick to temper and are therefor often seen as violent, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Half-Orcs are very protective of those they see as family or friends and they often speak their minds as it is.


Tieflings are not very common outside of Blumery, though they have started to venture out more in recent years due to the war with the Supis Empire. They have also left behind the teint of their dark history and how they came to be. Tieflings are known for their deep connection with magic and their abilities to combine magic with technology. They are still wary of other races, especially Humans from other cultures.


Aaracokra live on the elemental plane of air, therefore they are very rare on Valerouros. This sometimes makes them highly saught after commodities.


Genasi do live on Valerouros, but they are mostly seen as a myth since no one has ever seen a Genasi. The ones who have are not believed.


Aasimar are few and hunted, for various reasons. Either they want to use an Aasimar, because they think they will be able to help them, or they want to kill the Aasimar, out of fear of being stopped. Only once every 25 years an Aasimar will be born and they tend to hide their angelic heritage.


Firbolg are few and most don't even know that they exist. They keep to their own in their tribes.


Kenku are seen as weird, but sometimes useful. Kenku's are usually at the bottom of society and are usually used as messengers in the big cities.


Kobolds live mostly in the mountain ranges across Valerouros. Not many ever leave their clans and mingle amongst the other races. Kobolds are usually so far down that they do not pose a threat to most people, but they are known to come outside and attack traveling merchants for their goods.


Lizardfolk live on the Scattered Islands in small clans. They are verocious creatures that tend to keep to themselves, unable to leave their islands. They don't care for other races. They only see others as trespassers and food.


The Tabaxi can be found all over Valerouros, since they are very curious. But most either live in the Aftokratorián Empire or in the city of Al-Hudamar. They are usually sneaky little thieves that are very quick.


The Tritons, like the Sea Elves, have made their empires underneath the water on the ocean floors. Here they protect their domain from anyone that is a threat. In recent years the Tritons have also made their way onto the lands above. Tritons are gender fluid and the Tritons that venture out of the ocean are curious about other cultures. Most though don't have any lost love for the surface dwellers and see their fishing as an intrusion into their territory.


Yuan-Ti are scary stories that are told to children who are naughty. They live on the Islam Serpentibus in their own societies.


One of the other founding races of the Aftokratiorián Empire, Tortles can be found in the UFRAX Isles or in Ditra. They can also be found a lot on the water and make for good captains.


Shifters are few, but those few banded together a long time ago and created the beautiful city of Serenity in Queclana. They have protected the lands that surround them and have been able to pull away from their bad history over the past few centuries.


The Kalashtar are the primary citizens of the Supis Empire. A lot of them have tried to flee, succesfully, to other places to get away from the Supis Empire, but even more remain within the borders of the Supis Empire. Some out of fear, some because they have no other choice and some because they stand behind their queen.


The Githyanki can be found on the Astral Plane and only ever come to plunder in the Material Plane.
The Githzerai can be found in Limbo and usually do not leave this plane of chaos. The foremost reason is that it is very difficult to get from Limbo to the Material Plane.


Loxodons are very few and can be found on Quadrary. They have a city, Ta'Iblah, in the South of Quadrary. A small amount of Loxodon have recently started to venture further out. Loxodons are curious and respectful. Most races are scared whenever they first meet a Loxodon, but many Loxodon are able to turn this fear around very quickly thanks to their calm and curious nature.


Most of the Vedalkan are what is known as the Symic Combine. They work for the Ghast Queen in their endless strive for perfection. Having said that, some see these "enhancements" as actually being abominations and removing them from perfection.


Verdan are very rare, nearly as rare as Aasimar. No one knows where they come from. They can be mostly found in Quadrary.


The Leonin are a race of lion like humanoids that roam the Sands of Time in Quadrary. They live in small packs that are led by Matrons. They have a good relation with the Dark Elves of Quadrary and work together to keep outsiders outside.


  Satyrs can be found wherever there are forests. Most Satyrs that make their way into the cities come from Toreithel or the UFRAX Isles. Satyrs like to have fun and don't concern themselves much with trivial things like religion, politics and the sorts. They are just out to party and live in the now and enjoy life to its fullest.

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