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Supernatural Gifts

The defining characteristic of a hero in Valerouros is their heroic drive—the force that impels them to live a life worthy of great epics. Ordinary mortals across the multiverse are driven to extraordinary deeds when they are called on to pursue their ideals, to protect their bonds, and to overcome their flaws. In Valerouros, heroic drive stems from the same sources, but the power of fate and myth destines every character for legend; all one must do is act and discover their own immortal tale.

Amplifying your Ideal

Many characters’ ideals come directly from their service to a god. Each god’s description includes a table you can use to determine your hero’s ideal if your character serves that god, instead of (or in addition to) an ideal derived from your background. But whether your character holds to one of those ideals, one from the PHB or another source, or one of your own invention, try to state your ideal in the grandest possible terms to express your character’s heroic drive.

Tragic Flaws

  The heroes of Valerouros don’t often conform to tidy definitions of heroic morality and virtue, and they are often laid low by their own flaws. The Player’s Handbook encourages you to think of “anything that someone else could exploit to bring you to ruin or cause you to act against your best interests.” For a hero in Valerouros, a tragic flaw is something that the gods themselves might exploit or punish, with hubris being the classic example.
The gods of Valerouros aren’t so concerned about “ordinary” flaws like addiction or laziness. Rather, consider a tragic flaw involving something you don’t want a god to learn or certain to provoke a god’s anger.
For example, some of the flaws listed for the outlander background in the PHB could put a character into conflict with a god. “I remember every insult I’ve received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who’s ever wronged me” could cause significant problems when the character nurses a grudge against a god.
A tragic flaw can also be supernatural in nature. A hermit who harbors “dark, bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation and meditation failed to quell” might have a sinister connection to the vicious god Mogis.

Supernatural Gifts

  Most heroes of Valerouros have some kind of supernatural aid to help them achieve their goals. Often this aid comes from the gods, but some heroes might find their support from other beings, such as the sphinx Medomai, an oracle like Atris or Kydele, or a repository of mystical knowledge. Some heroes are born with supernatural power or born as a result of supernatural events.
A character in Valerouros begins with one supernatural gift chosen from those in this section. Work with the DM to decide where your character’s gift came from. Is it tied to the god you serve? Was it the result of a fateful encounter with a sphinx or an oracle? Does it indicate the nature of your birth? Each gift’s description also includes a table to spark your imagination as you think about your character’s gift.

Heroic Destiny

  Great deeds lie in your future, and it will take extraordinary effort to kill you before you accomplish those deeds. Choose or roll a random destiny using the Heroic Destiny table. Additionally, you gain the following traits.
Defy Death. You have advantage on death saving throws.
Hard to kill. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Heroic Destiny
D6 Destiny
1 I'm destined to be the most skilled practitioner of a craft or trade.
2 I'm destined to earn a place among the stars of Nyx.
3 I'm destined to become a god.
4 I'm destined to liberate my beloved from the clutches of the Underworld.
5 I was born while a kraken ravaged Nicinda, and I'm destined to destroy that kraken.
6 I'm destined to uncover the secret of the gods' power.


  No one can deny the reality of the gods of Valerouros, whose presence and deeds are visible in the night sky and sometimes directly in the mortal realm. But some people refute the idea that the gods are worthy of reverence. Such iconoclasts are common among the leonin, but members of any culture can adopt this supernatural gift. The Iconoclast Characteristics table presents suggestions for why you’ve become an iconoclast.
Your denial of the gods gives you supernatural power to resist their influence in the world. You gain the following traits.
Enlightened Protection. You can cast protection from evil and good with this trait, targeting only yourself and requiring no material components. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this trait.
Reject the Gods. You can’t gain or lose piety to any god. You instead gain the following traits at the character level listed in each one. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for any spell that you cast through these traits.
Iconoclast Hero
5th-level Iconoclast trait
You can cast dispel magic with this trait. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.
Iconoclast Paragon
11th-level Iconoclast trait
You can cast dispel evil and good with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you do so, you can't cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.
In addition, when you cast dispel magic using your Iconoclast Hero trait, you cast it as a 4th-level spell.
Iconoclast Archetype
17th-level Iconoclast trait
You can cast antimagic field with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.
In addition, when you cast dispel magic using your Iconoclast Hero trait, you cast it as a 5th-level spell.
Iconoclast Characteristics
D6 Characteristics
1 I blame the gods for the death of those I cared about.
2 Multiple gods seek to use me to their ends, so I try to avoid all divine entanglements.
3 It’s obvious the gods are fickle and unworthy of worship.
4 I know the world’s future lies with mortals, not gods.
5 I’m convinced the gods want me dead.
6 I refuse to be a pawn in divine schemes.


  Like a sphinx, you have a mind like a maze, impenetrable to mortal scrutiny. This might be a gift or training from an actual sphinx, the blessing (or curse) of a god, or an inexplicable talent. The Inscrutable Characteristics table suggests options for what makes you inscrutable. Additionally, you gain the following trait.
Psychic Shield. You have resistance to psychic damage.
Sphinx’s Shroud. You are immune to any effect that allows other creatures to sense your emotions or read your thoughts. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain your intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.
Inscrutable Characteristics
D6 Characteristics
1 I was educated by a sphinx in the Dakra Isles.
2 I am a devout adherent to one of Nicinda’s schools of philosophy.
3 I only speak in the past tense, as if all things I say have already transpired.
4 I have sworn a vow to allow no living person to see behind the mask that covers my face at all times.
5 Why wouldn’t I phrase every statement as a question?
6 I was born a sphinx, but a god cursed me into humanoid form and saddled me with the limits of mortal knowledge. I won’t rest until I break the curse.

Lifelong Companion

  Behind many heroes is another hero whose greatness comes from the support and love they offer. Haktos had his beloved Perynes, Renata was accompanied by her servant Karados, and Siona sailed with her devoted crew. Like these partners, you are great and make others great. Consider the Companion Relationships table when determining your legendary connection. Any relationship with another player’s character requires that player’s consent. Additionally, you gain the following traits.
Boon Aura. Your allies within 5 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed, provided you aren’t incapacitated.
Companion’s Protection. When a creature you can see within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to cause the attack to hit you instead. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Companion Relationships
D6 Relationship
1 Another character is my lover or dearest friend.
2 Another character is my sibling.
3 Another character is my parent or child.
4 Another character is a champion of my god.
5 After admiring another character from afar, I’ve finally won a position by their side.
6 I want nothing more than for another character to recognize my devotion and love me in return.


    You possess a precious gift coveted not just by mortals but by the gods themselves: the gift of clear communication between the mortal and divine realms. As an oracle, you can perceive the whims of the gods and petition them for glimpses of their vast insight. This gift also comes with a curse, though, which typically takes the form of dire insights. Consult the Oracle Curse table to determine what unwanted revelations you receive.
The gods seek mortal oracles to act as their agents. As a result, most oracles devote themselves to the service of a single god and learn to ignore the voices of all others. Occasionally, two gods agree to share the services of an oracle. Oracles who try to remain independent often find themselves pursued by the agents of evil gods who would bind them to the god’s service, if necessary. You gain the following traits.
Ears of the Oracle. You can speak, read, and write Celestial, the language of the gods. In addition, a god might deliver a message through you, and you can decide whether to use your own voice or to allow the god’s voice to come through your mouth to deliver the message, translated into any language you speak.
Oracle’s Insight. The gods give you flashes of insight that help you bring your efforts to fruition. When you make an ability check, you can roll a d10 and add the number rolled to the check. You can wait until after you roll the d20 before deciding to add the d10, but you must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Oracle’s Piety. Your oracular abilities improve as your piety score increases. Instead of gaining the piety benefits associated with any god (as described in chapter 2), you gain the following traits when you reach the specified piety score.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for any spell that you cast through these traits.
  Piety 3+ Oracle trait
You can cast augury as a ritual with this trait. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.
Piety 10+ Oracle trait
You can cast divination as a ritual with this trait. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.
Piety 25+ Oracle trait
You can cast commune as a ritual with this trait. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest. You also can’t be surprised, provided you aren’t incapacitated.
Divine Oracle
Piety 50+ Oracle trait
You can increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 2, as well as increasing your maximum for the chosen score by 2.
Oracle Curse
D8 Flaw
1 I know exactly how I’m going to die, and I can’t do or say anything to prevent it.
2 People who consult me for information rarely believe the answers I give them.
3 I’m haunted by nightmares foretelling the deaths of people I’ve never met.
4 I’m often distracted by the sights and sounds of things that other people can’t perceive.
5 A horrible monster in Nyx watches me constantly, and I see it every time I venture outdoors.
6 Any time I grow close to someone, I see them aged, dying, or dead.
7 Whenever I receive a divine vision, I get an intense pain in my head or chest.
8 One of the gods intends to use me as an oracle whether I want to listen or not.


Born with a particular connection to a deity, you have been winning favor with your god since birth. Consult the Pious Quirks table to determine how your faith might influence your personality. Additionally, you gain the following traits.
Pious Protection. If you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it, and you must use the new roll. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Religious Study. You have advantage on any Intelligence (Religion) check pertaining to your chosen god.
Starting Piety. You begin with a piety score of 3 with your chosen god.
  Pious Quirks
D6 Quirk
1 I often call people by the name of my god (or another god) by accident.
2 I stay up late at night watching the stars in hopes that my god will share a message with me.
3 I’m deeply jealous of my god’s oracles, who seem to have a more intimate relationship with my god than I can ever hope to attain.
4 I dream of one day entering Nyx and being granted a permanent place at my god’s side.
5 I have no home besides the temples of my god.
6 I can’t prove it, but I suspect that my god might actually be my parent.


  Like the great hero Haktos, you are resistant to physical harm. Use the Unscarred Origin table to determine how you gained your legendary invulnerability. Additionally, you gain the following trait.
Unscarred Resilience. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Unscarred Origin
D6 Origin
1 I was bathed in hydra’s blood as an infant, and my wounds close too quickly to become mortal injuries.
2 I swallowed a magic stone that fell from Nyx, which made my skin hard as rock.
3 When I was wounded as a child, a god healed me. Now wounds are reluctant to undo the god’s work.
4 I was rescued from the Underworld, and I’m not sure I fully returned to life—it’s always so cold.
5 I was born on one of the Dakra Isles. All my people are naturally resilient, a fact I didn’t realize until I lost my home and ventured into the world.
6 I don’t know who one or more of my parents is, but my resilience (and other hints) provide clues to their immortal identity.

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