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Felians are humanoid cats who are driven by a desire to collect unusual objects, acquire tales and legends, and see the world's wonders. The inquisitive felians are world travelers who rarely stay in one spot for long. Their instincts drive them to keep no secrets hidden, no treasures or tales forgotten.   The majority of felians stay in their homelands, content to live in small, close-knit tribes. These felians search for food, make crafts, and stay mostly to themselves.   Not all felians, however, are content with such a lifestyle. Hunia, the deity responsible for the felians' genesis, bestows one specific feline feature on each of his cubs. The curiosity-seeking felians are compelled to travel far and wide. They are on the lookout for tales, artifacts, and legends. Those who make it through this age of wanderlust return home in their later years to tell their grandchildren about their adventures. The felians remain isolated in this way, but they are never unaware of the world beyond their sanctuary.   Felians value knowledge over material possessions. A chest full of silver coins could be handy for buying food or a rope coil, but it's not particularly exciting. Gathering wealth is like preparing provisions for a lengthy journey in the felian's eyes. It's necessary to exist in the world, but it's not worth getting worked up over.   Instead felians, place a premium on learning and new experiences. In a crowded tavern, their ears perk up, and they pry out stories with offers of food, drink, and money. Felians may leave empty-handed, but they ruminate on the tales and rumors they've gathered like a miser counting money. The felian has an insatiable urge to find and inspect ancient relics, magical artifacts, and other unusual treasures, despite having little interest in financial gain. A felian takes great pleasure in uncovering the stories behind the creation of such artifacts, as well as the history of their use.   Wandering felians are fickle creatures who go from one preoccupation or passion to the next depending on their mood. A felian's desire is strong, yet once satisfied, it fades away, to be replaced by a new passion. Objects are only interesting as long as they conceal secrets. After taking a strange jewel from a noble, a felian rogue who happily spent months plotting to take it, may trade it for passage on a ship or a week's lodging. Before handing the gem on, the felian may take long notes or memorize every facet of it, but once its secrets and nature have been revealed, the jewel loses its charm.   Curiosity drives most of the felians found outside their homeland, but not all of them become adventurers. Felians who seek a safer path to satisfy their obsessions become wandering tinkers and minstrels.   These felians work in small groups, with an old, more experienced felian guiding up to four juveniles as they learn to navigate the world. They move from community to village in small, colorful wagons. They set up a tiny stage in a public square when they arrive, where they sing, play instruments, tell stories, and trade unusual wares for items that pique their curiosity. Felians will accept gold with reluctance, but they prefer intriguing objects or lore as recompense.   These explorers stick to the more civilized regions, preferring to bargain rather than risk their lives in order to satisfy their curiosity. When an owner refuses to sell or trade an item, they aren't above committing a small act of larceny to get their hands on it.
Felian Fighter
Felian Bard
70-75 years
Average Height
6'0" to 6'4"
Average Weight
165-190 lbs.


Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Cha
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.


You have a cat's keen senses, especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Feline Agility
Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.   Cat's Claws
Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Cat's Talent
You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common Tongue and one other language of your choice.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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