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Keldan Cal'Sael

Grand Master Keldan Cal'Sael

The current Grand Master of the Arcaneum, Keldan Cal'Sael is a High Elf native of Valliné, who has been in his prominent position of power within The Grand Arcaneum of Vallanna for the past twenty-nine years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the son of a pair of diplomats in 1202 AoU, Keldan displayed an aptitude and interest in magic at a young age, first discovering and experimenting in the arcane arts alongside his human childhood friend, Isaac Oshan, during their teenage years. The pair would remain close friends, although their paths would diverge when, at the age of eighteen, Isaac began his studies at The Grand Arcaneum of Vallanna, while Keldan would apprentice under his father, splitting his time between his home in Valliné and the Elven capital of Seorsa'Emel.

While competantly studying the arts of diplomacy under his parents' expert tutelage, it soon became clear that Keldan's true passion remained with the pursuit of arcane knowledge. He expressed his desire to further his training in magic to his father, who, wishing to support his son in his chosen path, promised to sponsor Keldan's application to the Seorsa'Emel Conservatory upon his ascension to adulthood. Initially thankful to his father for this promise and placted with the prospect of his ambitions being realised, as the years wore on, with decades of waiting still ahead of him, Keldan began to grow impatient and resentful of the diplomatic career which seemed to have become the unwilling focus of his life.   Throughout his years of diplomatic apprenticeship, Keldan would continue to maintain correspondance, and regularly meet, with his friend, Isaac Oshan, who himself had graduated through the education program of the Arcaneum and attained the rank of Arcanist. Frustrated, Keldan would express, good-naturedly, his envy of Isaac's rise through the Arcaneum.
Elven magical education taking a decidedly different philosophy to the progression of students, upon his eventual application to the Seorsa'Emel Conservatory, Keldan would face decades of glacial instruction in the minutiae of the most basic of magical techniques before being considered by his tutors to be competant in the same way that Isaac had been considered in just a few short years of instruction at the Arcaneum. It is during this correspondance that Isaac first raised the thought of Keldan instead applying to the Arcaneum rather than the Elven institution.   At the outbreak of The Demon War in 1240 AoU, the pair would set aside these hypothetical discussions as their roles became more essential during the conflict. Isaac would serve with exceptional skill during the war, providing vital help in the defense of Valliné and later joining the King's forces in the climactic Battle of Auricheim.

For Keldan, however, the war would be much more traumatic, and tinged with personal tragedy. In 1243 AoU, Keldan's father would be dispatched to the elven settlement of Taure'lasse. This mission could not have come at a worse time - While Keldan and his family were present, a large cult of demon-worshippers and their unholy cohorts would attack and destroy the village. The casualties of the attack were horrific, with very few survivors making it away from the relentless, bloodthirsty assault of the demons. Keldan's mother and sister would die in the attack, and his father would suffer debilitating wounds from which he would never fully recover. Keldan himself would walk away unscathed, carrying his father's broken, barely-alive body.   This would be the end of his father's diplomatic career, and he would spend the final years of his life at the family home in Valliné being cared for by his son, finally passing away in 1252 AoU.   The war long over, Isaac, now a Master of the Arcaneum would, in 1255 AoU, again raise to his friend the possibility of studying at the Arcaneum, should Keldan wish it. A figure of some regard within the Arcaneum now, Isaac promised to lend his influence to his friend's application, and it was not long before Keldan, at the age of fifty-three, joined the ranks of The Grand Arcaneum of Vallanna; fulfilling his long-wished-for dream of studying the arcane arts.   Although still considered an adolescent by elven culture, Keldan's years of worldly experience and focus on the task at hand stood him in good stead, and he progressed quickly through the basic classes, mastering the rudiments of magic, and eventually apprenticing under Master Serena Aldriss, a respected practitioner of the arcane. In 1260 AoU, he completed his apprenticeship, and was granted the rank of Arcanist. At this conclusion of his formal education, he chose to remain at The Ascension Spires, continuing his personal research in the city which he had long called home.   In 1271 AoU, now a respected and accomplished Master of the Arcaneum, and known for his competancy and precise use of magic, Keldan was invited to join the High Circle - the Arcaneum's ruling council - by his lifelong friend Isaac Oshan, who had himself risen as high as an Arcaneum member can; heading up the entire organisation as Grand Master of the Arcaneum. Isaac was now an old man; a close confidant of the King, and a key figure in the post-Demon-War rebuilding of the nation; yet his loyalty to his elven friend had never wavered, and still drew as much joy from discussing magic with Keldan at the age of seventy as he had at seventeen.   Isaac would go on to live for another seven years, peacefully dying of old age, at seventy-eight, in 1278 AoU. Now the most senior member of the High Circle, both in years and in rank, Keldan was elected to his friend's role as Grand Master of the Arcaneum unanimously by the High Circle's other members.
He has held this rank ever since; guiding the Grand Arcaneum of Vallanna through times both peaceful and turbulent.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Master of the Arcaneum
Year of Birth
1202 AoU 106 Years old
Long, Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'2" / 188cm
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Dwarven, Celestial, and Abyssal.


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