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Caqui Ocuilin

by hughpierre

Caqui of Ocuilan

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Superficial Examination

He never properly questioned the date of events he wrote about, nor adequately site evidence to them. As a result, the man polluted the academic pursuit for everyone.   Even his spelling for names is so wildly inconsistent - many times using different drawings to represent the same - and causing many future scholars to become lost in his references.

Personality Characteristics


Preserving Information

The man was a hoarder in the truest sense
In his life, Caqui collected every document he could find to preserve for prosperity. Normally, that would be a noble goal in any time. But his inability to sort through and glean useful insights from these materials rendered his efforts largely ineffective.   His contributions to history are, at best, dubious. He often removed information he deemed less substantive to his own sensibilities; further muddying the historical waters.

Vices & Personality flaws


A sordid wretch in social circles; just by being himself.
Later in life, he developed a universal mistrust of everyone around him. Rather unwittingly, he created a number of personal and professional enemies who he believed sought to undermine his work.


Caqui lived in a sloven and stingy manner. Oftentimes, expressing an outsized interest in any old scrap of writing (usually junk) that could have originally belonged to literally anyone, with little regard for its significance or authenticity.

Representation & Legacy

Caqui was born in the middle-run of the corn colonies and was awarded his title by the red corn queen for his work in academics.   However, his work was never interesting to his peers and typically riddled with errors. Even after his death, the minimum amount of attention by academics concluded that it was all sloppy.   Unfortunately, parts of his forgotten work would be redistributed to entertain a new audience, to the consternation of professionals.


Social Aptitude


The self-assuredness Caqui displayed in his own knowledge, despite its inaccuracies, alienated him from other historians and academics in his own time. Even thereafter.   Instead of fostering collaboration, his interactions were often marked by arrogance and defensiveness. An attitude that further isolated and limited the impact of his work.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord (honorary)
Place of Death
Blackish Grey
Related Plots

Cover image: Visiting the Old Town by Pedro Rafael Mena
Character Portrait image: Placeholder Man by Annie Stein


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