Yax-Tuun Character in Valley of Man | World Anvil
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by hughpierre

Trust Yax Tuun (a.k.a. Red Stone)

Physical Description

Body Features

Yax was possessed of a woman's slenderness and a man's musculature. His shoulders, broad yet not overly so, tapered down to a narrow waist. Though similarly finely muscled, his arms and legs allowed his to naturally move with such smoothness as to belie his strength.

Facial Features


There was an undeniable fragility to his face. It was soft and finely chiseled, with high cheekbones and a smooth, unblemished complexion. Both of his eyes were slightly different shades of brown and framed by long, dark lashes. A straight nose and full, subtly curved lips completed his gentle visage.

Apparel & Accessories

Cold Wear

In the wintery weather outside the Gatte; Yax, as any other, would wear a thick grey coat from head to toe.

Warm Wear

Inside the caverns, however, he'd wear the typical shirt and loincloth that just barely concealed his dual parts.   The outlines reminding everyone of his status.

Rain Wear

Upon his ascent to Trusthood, Yax adopted slick, long-length mantle with a loose belt and rubberized fabric that draped over his form.   Even so, his new subjects still gawked at him.

Specialized Equipment

Amber-Tipped Cane

In an outward display of ornamentation, Yax carries around with him a most ostentatious walking cane. It was made of an unusually heavy petrified wood that had a glittering finish and capped with a fist-sized piece of smooth amber.
As a weapon, the cane deals 4d8 extra bludgeoning damage. If the target is an object, take 6d8 damage extra instead.  
  1. Once per day, take the attack action and attempt to hit all creatures in a 10-ft radius (sphere) making one attack roll for all targeted opponents.
  2. On a critical hit with this weapon, you may make an additional attack against the same target, or against anoter within 10ft of the original target.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

I'm tall for a woman
— Yax thinking to himself
It is exceedingly rare for a babe to be born with both sexes; but not unheard of. Such people are almost revered in step culture as divine, as they are both man and woman.
Though his father exclusively treated him as a son, everyone else who saw him treated him as they preferred interchangeably. This had the effect of confusing hisnsense of self up to his prepubescent years.


Hanil Ma’aloob

Hanil was Yax's first love in Chu-Caan. She was a daughter to a high priest and had come to know Yax after she had a public falling out with her first betrothal.


Pixamech was Yax's wife, who he married in his second year being Vapour's Trust. Impossibly, she was a bastard of K'aas Wich and the two bounded over their prior woes.


Martial Training

Yax was given a standard aristocratic education by his some of his favourite teachers in accounting and etiquette.   In private lessons, his perpetually-disapproving father oversaw intense drills in stick fighting personally.


Chokow Pol

Since time immemorial, the smaller tribes that had made up the Step Folk believed the deliverers of bad news to be the cause of said news. This in turn led several unenviable turns in their civilization; where governments were paralyzed into inaction because everyone feared being executed thereafter. This superstition and the fear it inspired, persisted until the advent of the "race to the bottom".   The various Short Step courts created a sort-of sacrificial 'advisory' or messenger role. Their purpose is to be ever present by the Mother and Father of the state and announce some of the worst news possible. They are then ritually banished - not killed - to the Sinks.   Yax was quite beloved as Chokow Pol. He brought a rich humour to the role and leveraged his proximity to the rulers for his father's benefit. But, when a younger half-brother finally turned 12, Ya'ax was confident he had an uncontroversial heir and asked Yax to deliver some bad news to the court. Because of his noble upbringing, he was appointed from then on to oversee the administration of Yo-I-Roq and its expansion efforts.
When making a joke at someone's expense, the target must succeed on a DC 14 WIS saving throw or take d4 mental damage and have disadvantage on the next roll they make before the end of their next turn.

Mental Trauma

Threat of Prostitution

Normally, the birth of a dual sex baby was a show of divine favour. Such offspring were given over to the temples to be reared in exchange for massive fortune. But Yax's father had already made his fortune through war and was having trouble siring an heir, so controversially refused.  
Evidently, he did not care for this aspect of his son and privately believed that handing him over would shame his entire family. Had he; Yax would surely have grown to head a temple. However, he also would have been specifically demanded to take part in the yearly manhood ceremonies as Xtabay.
Neither my womb nor my seed has been so tested.
— Yax to Ma’aloob while taking her hand


Love Potions

Quinametli was, and is, a dying religion. More and more of subsequent generations see its traditions as being actively harmful to people.   One marriage custom involves giving the new bride an aphrodisiac potion to stimulate procreation. However, casual observations have noted the detrimental side effects it has had on its users. These wives are induced with a wild and desperate lust that severely damages their ability to feel and process their own emotions.
It only takes up to the third dose for these consequences to be permanent. No particular impairment has ever been noted in children.   Yax, while still Chokow Pol, made great strides in challenging the orthodox priests and gained a popular following among his peers.



Camp Trust

As the appointed Trust, Yax expanded on business relations with Ordning and the Sinks of other Caverns.
I have the unique privilege of being unacceptable, even to him
— Yax about himself

Family Ties


Ya'ax Tuun was Yax's traditionally masculine father who was born as a commoner but promoted to minor nobility through martial talent. He was very self-conscious on his family's social position that endeavoured for this line to maintain that standing. Yax was his third, with an earlier son and daughter dying shortly after their birth.   Ya'ax would continue trying for more children with other women, until two boys born to him reached 12 and 8. Though he had treated Yax as his son for 20 years, he had not believed he could be his true heir. Even as a respectable warrior, Yax was frequently accosted in public by other men and boys for sexual favours. With the popular notion of intersexes being literally god-given sexual masters, Ya'ax could not see how Yax would be taken seriously among the political class.   In a discussion between father and son, Yax agreed to give up his inheritance and take up the administrative position of 'Trust' in the colonies. Thereafter, they would never see each other again.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Trust
  • Lady Tuun
  • Circumstances of Birth
    Born under the effects of Si-ríame
    Circumstances of Death
    Old Age
    Place of Death
    Current Residence
    Yo-I-Roq in the Vapours
    Masculine and Feminine
    Long Black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Deep Tan
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
  • Step Block Writing
  • Character Prototype
    16 (+3)17 (+3)10 (+0)11 (+0)10 (+0)17 (+3)
    Armour Class: 13
    HP: 104 ( 28d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: INT +8, CHA +9
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
    Skills: Acrobatics +9, Deception +6, Perception +5, Stealth +13
  • +4 to AC against one melee attack that would hit
  • When subjected to an effect that requires a DEX saving throw to take only half damage, he instead takes no damage on a success, and only half damage if he fails.
  • Quotes about Yax-Tuun

    The freaky girl who dresses like a boy.
    — Guard at the Temple of the Learned Arts

    Character Portrait image: Placeholder Man by Annie Stein