Grove Guard

The Road Grove is a great vantage point and layover, providing the view from tall trees and safety against both aerial and ground predators. Yet even despite this positive location, it needs people to protect it. Not just against wolves, demanding constant vigilance, but also against whatever threats may be out there. There was an Ogre Warrior at the Mountain Fort, so there is the possibility of more of them being present.   As such, it is essential that watchtowers and other high places, like the Road Grove, are well-manned. Given how many Scouts leave their belongings here yet are out and about most of the time, a lot of the local population isn't present to keep the place secure. This meant that more folks had to be prepared to stand guard.   There is a minimal amount of soldiers present, as soldier presence is spread thin across the valley. They mostly make sure nobody can get their hands on the army stockpiles, which are kept here to extend the reach of any army patrols and explorations. They rotate watch service, making sure the important directions all have a pair keeping an eye out. This puts them on an 8-4-4-8 schedule, 8 hours of standing guard, 4 hours of free time alternated with 4 hours keeping an eye on the stockpiles, and 8 hours of rest.   Next, several scouts have arranged to also stand guard when they have a rest day at the grove. While this doesn't guarantee full coverage, they give the local militia a chance to rest. Lastly, the farmers have formed a militia, allowed by the Call to Arms. They join in on the guard duty, rotating between their members to balance between productiveness and keeping their current home safe.
Road Grove


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Aug 19, 2024 21:19 by Marjorie Ariel

I like that the local farmers join them.

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