Road Grove

These tall trees can be seen from a large distance. Their location seems no coincidence, growing around the remnants of an old road. Perhaps this place can be a source of supplies, or provide shelter.
— Sevak of Tall Oaks

A narrow grove located south of the Central Forest, these trees appear to have been deliberately planted around a road leading towards the southeastern river. Their trunks do not show any branches until significantly above the ground, while no trees of their size can be found anywhere nearby. This suggests the local grazing wildlife has prevented tree and underbrush growth, so that only the original trees survived.
Southeastern area of the valley
Relevant areas/buildings
  • Sequcester
  • Sequ Creek
  • Sequstead
  • Sequmouth
Relevant Explorer Logs
  • Still under investigation (WIP)
Due to its proximity to the central forest, this grove may prove a worthy layover point for Scouts and other kinds of exploration. The trees appear old yet healthy, meaning it would be a shame to cut them down. However, their canopy protects from attacks from above, while the lack of lower branches and other underbrush means predators cannot hide here. If a good approach can be thought of to keep the place secure, it would work well as a layover point.  
This place will become the main player base.

Areas/Buildings (Spoilers!)

A small growing camp located inside the sequoia trees, initially constructed solely with nets, later developed into a collection of tree huts. Named after the sequoia trees, this place is loved by scouts and farmers alike, due to the safety it provides.
Sequ Creek
Originating from the Eastern Forest, this creek partially follows the road. It is shallow enough to not provide any shelter for dangerous creatures, but large enough to provide enough water for both the trees and the residents.

The farmlands near the grove can be watered well thanks to the creek, so that the place can mostly provide for itself in the near future.
A lost village in ruins that lies relatively nearby, next to the river. It may be wise to fix this place up and use it as a base for any kind of water-based exploration.

Articles under Road Grove


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