
A settlement consisting of Tree Huts which serves as waypoint into the rest of the valley. Many Scouts now are stationed here whenever they're not out exploring. As most of their work will be further ahead into the valley, staying here saves them a lot of travel time compared to staying in the Mountain Fort.   Several civilians have also expressed interest in moving here, as the nearby creek will allow them to set up farm lands. Meanwhile, Sequcester will provide them with a safe haven against predators, allowing them to have a good night sleep.   While the trees themselves should not be cut, on account of their age and rarity, timber can hopefully be obtained from the nearby Eastern Forest.
Road Grove in the Eastern Plains
Important Buildings
Relevant Explorer Logs
  • Still under investigation (WIP)
Prioritising the ability to create a waypoint for further valley exploration, a small group of knights and scouts quickly ventured towards the Road Grove. There, they saw that the trees were solid and the area clear of predators. Immediately some chose to climb the trees and even set up tents safely up above. Thus, Sequcester was founded.  
With the brought in timber, Sequcester is quickly expanding. It may very well soon reach the limit of what the trees can reliably handle. For now, it serves as a great home for the farmers, who stay here at night so that they do not have to build homes next to their farmlands yet. But with the growing numbers, eventually Sequstead may need to be developed into a safe place to stay.

Important Buildings

Originating as a net with heavy cloth spanned to provide a place to lie on, this inn never stopped expanding since. Many scouts call this place home for now, storing some of their possessions here while they venture forth into the valley.

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