Scout Tent

Tents come in various sizes, but the ones known as scout tents are a specific version. Large tents with multiple poles that allow for a large amount of people to use them, these tents are beloved by Scouts due to the multiple entrances, which makes it easier to rotate guard duty without waking up others. Additionally, with a smaller group, even their horses can fit inside and rest in safety.   To best serve their preferred use, scout tents have sturdy fabric that predators will have a harder time breaking through, while also being equipped with semi-windows slits that allow its occupants to look outside without the risk of ambush.
  Within the valley, nowadays they have slots added to their support beams that allow the temporarily installation of Ancient Runes, to create Wards.
  Normally, a scout tent will be set up and taken down every day, as its users are constantly on the move. Occasionally they will leave one behind, as they intend to return to its location the same day. Often a Scout Sign is left behind to indicate when the tent was left behind, so that anyone wandering into it, will know whether to worry about its missing owners.   Within the valley, the tents have become rather popular amongst civilians. They keep the tents up semi-permanent until they have managed to safely build houses. Some hunters and woodcutters actually do not bother setting up cabins or whatnot, as the tents provide nearly the same safety without requiring a lengthy construction period. Already some places have become tent villages, though people sleep with weapons by their side in case any predator comes across such a camp.   This practice has become employed by members of The Valley's Army. They set up tents at typical overnight points and use the saved time to gather food and scout a bit more each day. While somewhat frowned upon by their superiors, the practice has the added bonus that less area is cleared out to set up campsites.


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Aug 6, 2024 18:56 by Zero Sum Games

A well-written article and a fun read. I don't know why I never thought of tents as a temporary building to write about. I have "Scout Rangers" in my world (Derkomai) that would use tents, for sure, but it never crossed my mind to write about them for this category. I will read more about The Valley of Plenty!

Aug 6, 2024 20:45 by Michael Chandra

Thanks, glad you liked it! I came up with the idea and my mind went 'heeeey, you can make plot with this...' so this was another prompt that I can worry my players with. ^_^ Finding a tent that a few days ago was marked as 'hey we'll be back tomorrow'...

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