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  Based on the findings of the so-called Ward Manual, the Ravenmight Institute has managed to piece together a few ward construction methods. Materials are currently limited, so information is still sparse on exactly how reliable these are. However, they do seem to have a positive effect at staving off the Corruption.   So far, two types of wards have been spread. First of, there is immobile wards. These are built with four corner pillars and a central pillar. The corners have a flow of runes set into them, which seem to be sending positive energy through a cycle. The central pillar uses a different set of runes, which draw energy from the earth and sky and feed this into the cycle to reinforce it. With these pillars, Jadeite, albeit expensive, has proven to significantly strengthen the positive influence. A normal ward will already keep out negative energy, but a Jadeite one will actually end up having a significant healing effect on those inside.   The second type is mobile wards, which consists of a set of runes carved into stones. These stones are set up in a multi-legged spiral that turns into a circle at the perimeter. Chains are attached to the stones to guide the energy flow. This creates a temporary safe zone. However, these mobile wards are less energy-efficient and seem to actually exhaust the environment, so can only keep an area safe for limited time. Enough for a long rest and maybe another day, but no more than that.   Ironically, due to its strength, Jadeite actually is a bad idea to use for mobile wards. They draw in too much energy, exhausting the environment far faster. That said, a close setup can forcefully push the Corruption out of someone, though it is an exhausting process.   Scouts who travel with a mobile ward, all keep a keystone on them personally. While on the move, this keystone alone helps keep them safe from the Corruption. Unfortunately, a keystone cannot be made individually. It must be created with the rest of the ward and joined in a ritual. As such, purely producing keystones will not work to help protect people. As such, it is advised to only send small elite groups into areas where these are crucial to keep one safe.
Between 250 and 1200 GP
  • 20~50 Ancient Runes
  • Mineral stones, e.g. Jadeite or Quartz
  • Metal chains
Unknown as of now


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