The Silver Eel

And behold, as soon as he had eaten the eel, his skin turned silver. And as the enemies came upon him, he nimbly slipped through their ranks. And as he reached the entrance they had come from, he brought down the rope that held up the sealing stone. Whereas he slipped through this as well, he trapped his enemies inside. Thus they starved, allowing him to return victoriously. And so Wyrian the Silver became a hero of his people.
— An old myth book
  The Silver Eel is a story about how Wyrian the Fool searched for the infamous silver eel, known for its slipperiness, believing he could harness its power to defeat an army in control of his country. All called him a fool, as he futilely searched for the eel far and wide, following every hint he could find yet always failing. At the same time, his actions provoked the occupiers, who sent a constantly increasing number of troops after him.   Eventually, Wyrian finds a sealed temple and manages to get in. There, in an underground lake, he finds the silver eel. For three days and three nights, he tries to catch it in vain, as it is as slippery as the stories say. Suddenly the occupiers arrive with their entire army. Wyrian prays for the Gods to help, and the eel responds, telling him to eat it. So he does, and it allows him to escape and take out all his enemies.   There is a bad ending of sorts to some versions of the myth. Wyrian finds himself unable to be with others, as any attempt to embrace him, results in him slipping out of their grasp. This grows worse and worse, as he even starts to become too slippery to keep hold of food or drink. He has to eat and drink like a dog to be able to survive. Eventually, Wyrian finds himself drawn back to the sealed temple. He reopens it and walks past the corpses of his enemies. Reaching the lake, he slips into it, and his entire body begins to change shape. No longer is he Wyrian a man. Now he has become Wyrian the Silver Eel.


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Aug 12, 2024 00:48

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I started off thinking, "oh, what a fun little tale." I love the twist in the final paragraph!

Aug 12, 2024 17:48 by Michael Chandra

Honestly that final paragraph surprised even me, I was just typing along and suddenly out that came. O_O I'm glad you liked it!

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
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